1. She's apprehensive

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Hearing the entirety of this, Jaehwa was fuming.

Going into their garage, she walked up to Kihyun, before giving him a tight slap, his head moving to the side due to the force.

"Okay, first of all, what was that?" he asked her softly and she chuckled bitterly.

"You're giving me away to these idiots?!" she exclaimed and he froze.

"That's not what- "

"Don't consider me part of your gang anymore, I'm not one to be sent away for my skills." she said, before walking out, leaving the gang astonished.

Be that as it may, she grabbed one specific individual's attention.

"Okay, now that she's gone, I don't think you'll get any of that." Jimin said, his eyes not leaving the garage door she just walked out of.

The others grunted in response, before walking out, seeing Jaehwa jump onto her RE.

"Lim Jaehwa!" Namjoon called out and she turned around, getting off her motorcycle.

"Do I know you?" she asked icily, and Namjoon just chuckled.

"Look, we wanted to ask if you'd join our gang. Become a mafia along side our gang. Nothing else." he said, hands up in surrender.

"Well, let me tell you this, I'll join if you can give me a reason as to why I should." she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What if we said you were the fastest rider we'd ever seen?" Yoongi said, moving towards the front.

"As a matter of fact, I figure she isn't adequate." said a voice from behind, making her fume.

Jung Hoseok.

"Well well well, look who we have here." she snickered, making him smirk.

"Jung Hoseok, mama's little boy weren't we?" she asked and the smirk on his face was wiped off at an instant.

He scowled, "Just because you didn't have a mama, don't go 'round picking on mama's boys like me." he shot back, and that was the last straw. She could feel all the blood leave her face.

"Shit has just hit the fan." Jungkook mumbled, Jimin nodding nervously in response.

"If you want your heads to hang from the fan, I suggest you shut your snare." she threatened, and the boys shut their mouths.

"Look, you can ignore Hoseok, he's testing your confidence, and I'm sure we don't require that." Taehyung said, to which she scoffed.

"My confidence? The nerve he has." she muttered, making the said man chuckle.

"You don't have to join ya know, we're fine with 7." he said and she smiled.

"I'm fine alone too jackass." she said, and walked to her RE, propping her helmet on her head, before riding off.

"Hoseok, what the hell!?" Jin yelled, making him smirk.

"Hyung she's apprehensive." he said, to which Jin just shook his head like a baffled mother.

"She's apprehensive? She has nobody Hoseok, nobody. Furthermore, you just annihilated the only possibility we had of her joining our gang." Jin talked, making him shrug.

"She'll come along." he said, as if he knew her like the back of his hand.

Little did they know, he did know her like the back of his hand.


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