"Now stop making me curious and come to the point Anu", I said impatiently

"Ok so actually yesterday I told you na that I went out", she was saying

I nodded my head remembering that she told me yesterday.

"Anu Yaar tell it directly, you are making me more curious now", I complained

"Ok sorry, but I don't know how to say", she said

"Then fine, don't tell me", I frowned moving ahead

"Arre Divi wait na, Acha sorry I'll tell", she said holding my hand

"Gladly.. tell", I glared at her

"But you shouldn't tease me ok?", She asked

"What's it that I would tease.. I'll surely tease if it's something like that", I laughed

"Idiot, I'm asking not to na", she pouted

"Ok fine, I won't.. now tell me what's the matter", I asked

"Ok so yesterday when I went out..", she was saying while someone interrupted

"Hey Anu, our maths sir is calling you", I heard one of my classmate saying

"Me? For what?", Anu asked

"I don't know, but remember you are his favourite student", she laughed

"Okay Divi, you go to class and I'll directly come there from sir.. and I'll tell you after this class", Anu said

I nodded and moved towards our class.


I had Divya's book with me as it was misplaced when we met for lunch today. So picking it I moved towards her class while Aarav left to our class when I said I'll join him in a while.

I was walking towards her class while I bumped with someone on the way. I took a step back and the view in front made my heart winch the next moment.

"Divya", I called her softly

I wasn't able to see her like this, she was crying so badly and panting hard. She looked up with her wet eyelashes and the moment her eyes met mine she hugged me keeping her head on my chest making me stumble a step back.

"Arjun", she whispered

I wrapped my arms around her trying to comfort her but all she was doing was weeping hard and her tears are making me weak on nerves.

"Shh Divi calm down.. Nothing happened, you are completely safe please dont cry", I said caressing her hair

"Arjun.. please take.. take me off here", she cried

I backed off and holding her shoulder to a side I took her near the entrance while all the time she was clutching on to my shirt tightly and I couldn't understand what made her so frightened or whatever that she ended up crying so hard.

Last time when she was stuck in the room also she haven't cried this hard.. something is surely wrong but right now I want her all fine.

I was already near the entrance while I felt my shoulder heavy, I looked and saw Divya lying on my shoulder.. did she just fell unconscious?

"Divi.. Divi wake-up", I called out tapping her cheek

But of no use.. I don't know what's happening but I need rush home now. Ofcourse I can't take to her home in this condition so better I take to mine.

I booked a cab as I can't take her on my bike and slowly making her sit inside I too settled next to her and quickly made a call to Anu.

"Hey lover boy", she said as soon as she picked the call

Till Death Do Us Apart ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя