“What are you going to do about Angela?” Cheryl asked

“Well, I’m going to meet with her next week so I can go over the plan that I have for. I’ve also decided to bring in a strong reinforcement to help us too.” I spoke

“Who did you have a mind?” Cheryl asked

“Michelle Robertson.”

“Who is Michelle Robertson?” Cassandra asked

“Michelle was our roommate back in college. You think we’re feisty. Michelle had every professor on their toes. She didn’t play when it came to Val and I. She’s also an OB-GYN. I wonder if she still lives in New York?” Cheryl said

“I’m sure she does. You know she vowed that she would never return to live here in Detroit, and she has kept that promise.”

“Actually, why don’t I give her a call now.”

Valerie called Michelle and asked if she was willing to help with the situation at hand. Of course, Michelle agreed and said that she’d even fly back home sooner than she planned so that they could meet and talk more in person. Valerie decided to wait and explain everything to Valerie in person, as well as introduce to her Angela.

After the phone call, they went downstairs to eat. While eating and conversing amongst each other, the Three Stooges came waltzing in the kitchen of course with Dorinda as the ringleader with a particular look on their faces. Each girl attempted to sit on their mother’s lap but were thrown off.

“I don’t even know why y’all even tried that. Neither one of y’all are 5 years old and 60 pounds.” Cassandra said with Valerie and Cheryl

“What can we do for you, Moe, Larry and Curly?” Valerie asked

“Well, Auntie Valerie, we were wondering if could go by the video store tonight and have a sleepover?” Tam asked

“This isn’t my house. You’ll have to ask Auntie Cheryl.”

“Goddy please?” Karen begged

“Karen please stop with the Keith Sweat begging.” Val said

“If we say yes, what movies do you girls plan on watching tonight?” Cheryl asked

“Bring It On, Next Friday, and Vampire in Brooklyn.” Karen said

“Please Mom?” Tam asked Cassandra

“I don’t see a problem with it. That way we can have our own girl time with no children up under us.” Val said

“Okay, that’s rude.” Doe said

“Go get your coats and we’ll go. But we have stopped by the house and get clothes as well.” Val said

“Thanks mom!” They said before running upstairs and getting their coats

“I told you if you’d asked, they’d say yes.” Doe said

After getting what they needed from their homes, they headed to the video store to retrieve the movies and then stopped by Walmart to get snacks and more wine. Once they were done shopping, they headed back to Cheryl’s house. After showering, changing into their sleepwear and making a big pallet on the floor, the fixed their snacks, sent the girls on their way to Doe’s room and the moms grabbed the wine and was able to finally relaxed. Before they could sit, the doorbell rang. Cassandra went to answer the door and it was Yolanda and Jacky.

“I thought you two wouldn’t be back until Sunday?” Cheryl asked

“Yes, that was the plan. However, I love my mother. I love her dearly. But I couldn’t stay in that house with that woman another second.” Yolanda said as she guzzled down a glass of tequila.

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