In Which Camila Does Some Seducing

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It was quiet.

Camila could hear her heart pounding. She sucked in a tenuous breath. She was suddenly very aware of her body's flaws: the flabby bits on her upper arms, her thick, muscular legs, her too small breasts. Was she too tall? Too short? Goddess, what if he laughed? What if he turned her away?

"You should probably say something." She tried for a hesitant smile. "You know, something like thanks, this is what I've always wanted or I told you so or-"

"Camila." Declan's voice was rough. His eyes—a dark emerald green—flicked from her eyes to her body, drinking in every exposed inch of her bare skin. His gaze settled on her lips. "You're beautiful."

She took a tentative step forward.

He met her halfway, crossing the room in two massive strides. One hand splayed across the small of her back, pulling her flush against his chest, and then he was kissing her and every insecurity evaporated.

Her fingers tangled in his shirt, pulling him closer, then closer still until there wasn't space for a sheet of paper between them. Even that didn't feel like enough. Every touch was electric, every nerve on fire. Her cheeks flushed. Her chest heaved. Clumsily, she yanked at the bottom of his shirt.

Declan pulled away, ripping his shirt off in a single swift motion. His green eyes pierced through her.

"You're pretty too," Camila said, tracing the pale scar across his cheek.

He let out a surprised laugh. "Thanks?"

"You're welcome." She smiled, leaned forward, and gently pressed her lips to his.

He responded instantly, tugging her closer, his hands gripping her hips. His kiss was insatiable, devouring, but he held her body with a painstaking gentleness that tugged at her heart. His hands moved lower, skimming over the backs of her thighs, and then he was lifting her, carrying her, her legs winding around his waist.

The plan. Fuck. What was the plan?

Declan lowered her onto the bed, the sheets soft and cool against her naked back, his lips never leaving hers. His mouth moved lower, pressing hungry open-mouthed to her neck, her collarbone, the curve of her breast.

"D- Declan." She choked out.

He lifted his head. His pupils were dilated, his cheeks tinged pale pink, and his chest rose and fell in rapid breaths. It occurred to Camila that maybe this was a big deal for him too.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just- maybe we should slow down." Her words sputtered out, high-pitched and unfiltered.

"Sure, yeah." Declan rolled off of her and lay on his side next to her. His eyes were wide with guilt and something she can't quite place—desperation maybe. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rush you."

"Well, I'm the one who ambushed you." Camila clasped her hands together, surreptitiously fiddling with her bracelet, unclipping the clasp.

"Trust me, I did not mind." He took a deep breath. Declan froze. "Is-"

Camila kissed him, pressing her body into his, running her fingers down his muscled forearm. He responded—of course he did, they were soulmates—and it was only when the silver bracelet clicked shut around his wrist that he pulled away.

Camila jumped off the bed and screamed.

The ceiling burst open, a block of plaster hurtling to the ground in a cloud of dust and drywall, and a massive, blond-haired figure landed silently, almost cat-like in their movements. Alex.

Dark rage flashed across Declan's face just as a small dart sunk into the side of the neck. He slumped over, unconscious.

Camila gasped and fell to her knees. It felt like a dagger had been plunged through her heart. Her limbs moved of their own accord, pulling her forward. She couldn't look away from Declan's body, lying helpless, prone on the bed.

"Hey. Look at me." Alex shook her gently by the shoulders. "Deep breaths, okay? It's just the mating bond. Give it a second."

Just the mating bond? Camila wanted to scream. Her skin felt too tight. It itched, as if a thousand bees were trapped inside her flesh and bones, and only Declan's touch could help. She needed him the way she needed air. Why had they stopped again? Camila didn't bother to answer her own question; every cell in her brain was focused on Declan.

"Just breathe," Alex said again. "I'm here."

Camila ground her hands into fists, her fingernails carving crescents into her palms. It hurt, but for a moment the onslaught of lust halted. "Fuck," she whispered. "I didn't think it would be that intense. Maybe I should leave the room?"

"Go for it. I'll get him tied up and you can..." He swallowed. Camila registered that Alex's cheeks were a pale pink and he was looking anywhere but at her. "Um. Change."

"Right!" Camila burst out, louder than she intended to. "I'm naked! That's- great. I'm going now."

She sprinted into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind her. The door flew off its hinges and hit the opposite wall, splintering into two separate pieces.

"Fuck," she whispered. Without the bracelet, her werewolf enhanced strength was kicking in. Which, while admittedly pretty cool, meant she had a new bloodthirsty side to keep in check and a borderline uncontrollable lust towards Declan. 

Resolving to get her hands on a bit of silver as soon as possible, Camila grabbed her clothes and ducked behind the shower curtain. Her sweatpants and T-shirt combo was stiff with sweat, dirt, and blood from the past few days and she hoped Alex had brought a change of clothes.

And maybe a bra. Some chocolates wouldn't hurt and, while she was at it, the Heart of Catalina would be pretty great too.

Her body itched to run, to move, to fight. Camila had to focus to move the shower curtain aside without ripping it. In the bedroom, Declan was securely trussed to a chair, rope wound tight around his arms and legs. He was still unconscious, head slumped against his chest.

A vicious growl burst from her throat.

Camila clamped her jaws shut. Where had that come from?

"Are you... good?" Alex approached her slowly, like a rabid dog.

"Yeah, yeah. I think-" She swallowed, the words stuck in her throat. Declan looked so helpless there. She needed to help him, to be there for him, not stab him in the back. What kind of mate was she? Camila shrugged halfheartedly. "...I don't know."

He nodded, calm as ever. "Okay. How about we go into the kitchen, get a little space?"

"I don't need space, I need-" Declan. She needed Declan. The words echoed, ceaselessly, in her ears. What had she done? She'd screwed up. Royally, epically screwed up.

"Hey." Alex stepped forward. "You did what you had to." He brushed a tear from her cheek. Camila hadn't even realized she'd been crying.

"You were brave. Strong," he continued. Camila found herself wondering how she'd never noticed his voice before, a clear, melodic baritone. He would've made an excellent singer, she thought. Alex lifted her chin and his blue eyes captured hers. "I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. We're going to make this right together."

Camila nodded. Her throat was clogged up, her eyes overflowing, and she didn't even want to try to speak because she was sure her words would be unintelligible.

Instead of speaking, she hugged him. It felt like coming home.

So... that happened! Are you happy that Camila back in charge or disappointed that she and Declan didn't go farther? Both? Neither? Let me know!

I hope to see you in the next chapter! Thanks for sticking with me!


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