Chapter 25: Alcanretia

Start from the beginning

She then approaches Kazuma and grabs both of his hands.

Female Civilian: There's a cafe run by the Axis Church just up ahead! Why don't we go there and have a chat?

Kazuma changed his expression into a doubtful one.

Kazuma: I'm good, thank you.

Out of nowhere, the civilian grabs Kazuma and began to act crazy all of the sudden and she had the amount of strength to grab Kazuma.

Yuuki: D-D-Darkness? Can't you do something?

Darkness: Alright.

She then grabs the lady's shoulder and turns to Darkness, as she pulls out a charm.

Darkness: I'm sorry. I'm actually a believer in the Eris faith. If you want to proselytize to him, you'll have to wait until-

She then cuts Darkness off by spitting on the ground as she walks away.

(Y/N): Alright, that's one way to get rid of her. 

Rin: Hey, Darkness you should keep it away since these people aren't on good terms with the Eris sec-

Darkness: *Moans*

Jack: Did you seriously turned on by that?

Darkness: Nope!


A few minutes later as the five of you continued walking around in Alcanretia. 

Darkness: It's the main temple of the Axis sect after all.

(Y/N): Looks like it. 

Kazuma: There are fewer people on this street so we should be fine.

Yuuki: I don't think so...

Jack: Hey, look!

Jack says, pointing in front of her as you and the others see was a lady being chased by a guy with a red afro. They seemed to be putting up an act as they approached us.

Random Lady: Save me! Please save me! This man who appears to be of the Eris sect tried to drag me into a dark alley!

Afro guy: You there! You're not one of the Axis sects. If you were a strapping Axis member, I would've run away. If you weren't, I won't hold back!

Darkness, Kazuma, Jack, Rin, Yuuki, and you weren't fooled by this act because it was too obvious.

Afro guy: I'm protected by the dark goddess Eris, so if you get in my way I'll crush you!

Random Lady: Ah! What's this? In my hand is the form to join the Axis sect. If only someone would sign their name, then this evil Eris believer would run away!

The five of you ignored them and started walking away as the Afro guy and the random lady followed us and talk about what will happen if you join the Axis sect.

Jack: Darkness, the Charm.

Darkness pulls out the Charm as you all turn around to face them and hold it up.

Darkness: If you insist on calling Eris a dark goddess in my presence-

Then just that, they spat on the ground and walked before spitting again. You, Kazuma, Darkness, Jack, Rin, and Yuuki just watched them leaving.

(Y/N): These morons get on my nerves.

Yuuki: Same.

Jack: Us too.

Darkness: *Moans*

(Y/N) & Rin: ...

Kazuma: Are you turned on?

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