She frowns at me softly. "You don't have to be so difficult."

"Oh, I'm being difficult? Bitch you tried to steal my boyfriend; I think I have every right to be difficult" I hiss at her.

"He was supposed to be mine first!" She yells at me, which is completely out of character for her. Her cheeks are colouring with red splotches of embarrassment.

I stare at her like she's lost her damned mind, clutching my invisible pearls. The bathroom is silent, so silent you can hear the traffic from outside the building.

"Aca-scuse me." I say lowly to her in disbelief.

"I didn't mean that." She shakes her head and runs her fingers through her hair in distress.

"I'm sorry, I-."

"Don't bother." I stop her before she can continue. "You said what you said."

I turn away from her and walk out of the bathroom tersely, pulling my bag closer to my shoulder.

I wouldn't admit it, but there was a sliver of guilt that ran through me when Bella had her little outburst.

Maybe she's right. They were supposed to be together. It was all predestined before I came along.

I'd stopped thinking of my life back home as the 'real world.' The people here are far too complex to be reduced to fictional background characters in a teen romance novel... But that doesn't mean that Bella and Edward wouldn't have not ended up together.

Everything else that happened in the book took place. Bella almost getting hit by Tyler's van. The nomads coming into Forks.

The only outlier was me.

Had I really stolen Edward from Bella?

"Hey are you okay?" I glance to the side and see that Christine has walked up to me.

"Yeah. Peachy keen." I smile tightly at her.

"Okay..." She gives me a side eye, totally unconvinced but thankfully she doesn't push it.

"What are you doing this weekend?" She asks as we continue walking languidly towards her sedan

"Paul's working at the bookstore in Port Angeles. He told me he'd buy me Mc Donald's if I come and keep him company during his shifts."

Christine's wrinkles her freckled nose.

"You've been spending an awful lot of time with this Paul."

I grimace at her insinuation. "He's been a really good friend the past couple of weeks." I tell her, making sure that I put emphasis on "friend".

"Well since you're only hanging out with Paul tomorrow, does that mean you're free tonight?"

"Yeah, I guess." I say without much thought

"Great! Come with me to a party tonight."

"Oh. I don't know..." I grimace.

"Come on Amiyah

"Who's party is it?"

"Brad Gilbert."

I shake my head. "I don't know a Brad Gilbert."

"That's because you only hang out with the same six people from lunch." She says looking at me dryly.

"You hang out with them too." I point out to her accusingly.

"Yeah, But I have other friend groups. There're my friends from Math Club, my friends from Hapkido class, my work friend's, my friends from track, and my friends from the dance committee. Brad's one of my friends from track.

"Wow, I didn't know you had so many friend groups."

"Don't worry. You're my best friend."

I stop walking and stare at her until she stops and looks at me. "I am?" I grin at her.

"Yeah." She shrugs as if its not a big deal

"I don't know what to say." My cheeks have started to hurt from how hard I'm cheesing.

My heart is swelling. I've never had a best friend before. Hell, before I came to Forks I never really had friends.

"You don't have to say anything, you're not accepting an Oscar." She laughs airily.

"You know what Bestie; I will come to that party with you tonight."

"Really?" She looks at me with excitement.


She squeals. I squeal. And suddenly we're two black girls screaming and jumping around a high school car park.

"For the record. You're my best friend too." I tell her once we've settled down

"Pssh, I knew that already. Who'd be my contender? Jessica?"

I nudge her with my shoulder playfully. "Har Har."

A/N Hey guys! sorry this chapter took so long. Life got in the way again. I hope you're all doing well. Please don't forget to vote and comment. I love hearing from you guys.

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