12 - Scarless Rumors

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I scoffed.

"The only mistake I made was thinking I could trust you all."

And then I left them in the dust.


It took them barely 15 minutes to pack up.

By the time Luka and Kagami, the first to come, reached, I knew that all they had done was shove their things messily in the suitcase and run outside. Adrien followed behind them, somehow tugging his luggage along with mine.

Alya and Chloe weren't much far behind.

"Mari, what's going on?" asks Alya, breaking the ice. I sighed. "Guys, I know you don't get anything that's happening, but please trust me. I'll explain on the way." I say. The others stare at me in confusion.

"On the way to where?" asks Luka.

Ahh, I knew he was the only sensible one here.

"Wayne Manor." I say, cut off with shrill screams from Alya and Chloe. "Wayne Manor? As in the Batman's legendary hideout? HOLY SHIT!" whisper-shouted Chloe, then looking around hurriedly to see if anyone heard her.

No one did.

"Let's go?" I asked, confused. "Let's go." Luka replied back, making all my nervousness go away . I could always count on Luka to make me relaxed. And maybe that was the reason I fell for him, but that's all in the past.

I pulled out Damian's car keys, pressing the button to switch on the car. "Come on, guys." The sleek black car opened up, doors going up, as Nino and Adrien stared at the car in a mixture of amusement and horror.

"I-is that a-"

"Yes, Nino. Of course it is."

"But it costs like-"

"Obviously, it's expensive."

Adrien and Nino's conversation went something like this. Nino gaped at the car as he tried to understand why the hell I had something like this, while Adrien kept cutting him off, deadpanning with every answer.

"I borrowed it." I said, feeling like I had to justify myself. "Now get in, so I can explain everything to you. Unless you'd rather gape at the car than ride it." That sentence of mine was enough to send Nino barreling into the car's backseat.

And somehow, the seven of us fit into the car.

Luka sat beside me, and I know he knew something was up. "Buckle up. And let's go on a ride." I said, starting the car, and speeding up the road, ultimately leaving dust behind. For real this time.

"Marinette." Chloe called out before I could start explaining anything. "That guy yesterday, he's the friend right? Jason." she stated in a questioning tone. "Yeah." I sighed out.

"What friend? Mari, what's going on?" Alya asked, as Kagami looked worried. Oh, right. They didn't know. Chloe was the only one here who knew, about my panic attacks, about my past and about... Jason.

The only reason she knew was because she'd found me one day, struggling to breathe, and helped me out. And I told her. I cried my heart out on her shoulder, telling her all about my life, stripping myself until I was vulnerable.

That was precisely the reason why Chloe became my friend.

Whether out of pity or not, she was there for me.

"Jason Todd. My childhood friend." I let out bitterly. "You got his name." Chloe said, smiling at me. "Of course." I replied. The first thing I did after getting in that damn car, was ask him his name.

Alya looked at me confused. Once I looked back into her eyes, I just knew I had to tell them the truth. So I did. I told them about my mom, about meeting Jason, how he disappeared, how I was shipped to Paris.

All until meeting him again yesterday.

By the time I had finished, the car was silent. I couldn't even look at their faces; I had to keep my eyes on the road. On my side, Luka held my hand, giving me an 'it's okay' look as I smiled back.

"I'm dissapointed." Alya stated, making me stiffen up. "I'm dissapointed you didn't tell me, Marinette, but I know you had your reasons. Don't ever think we would abandon you for such a flimsy reason." she said again.

I was stupefied.

I knew that none of them would leave because of this, or at least, I hoped. But hearing it come out from her mouth, it made me feel content. "Thank you, Alya. Thank you all, really." I say, smiling at them through the mirror.

And for once, I was looking forward to the future.


[Q.] Why can Lila manipulate people so easily?

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