A Dance

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We all proceed to the ball room and I catch Lucius on the way in. "Keep him busy. We have a surprise." He says nothing but I know he will listen. When the crowd gets thick, I steal Noella away to the dressing room. "Alright time to change. Be quick now. Lucius can only distract him for so long." We change quickly. Her into a cute green dress and cute shoes, with a cape because I was rubbing off on her. Me in a dark red and black dress with dark heels and a curly ponytail.

She went out first and I came in the back way to find my date, which only took a moment because he wasn't very far from the exit. "Are you ready to dance?" He turns to me with wide eyes, no doubt stunned by my outfit change. "Yes. Come." I take his hand as the bride and groom invite us all out. We dance for a long while and talk while doing so. Its so nice. A slow song plays and we dance a bit closer. "Severus, I really like being around you." He looks down at me. "I enjoy your company as well." I bite my lip and think of what I should say.

Just then Lucius taps his shoulder. "May I cut in?" Severus nods and leaves to the balcony. Lucius takes his place. "To what do I owe the pleasure of a dance with you?" He snears but im sure no one else can see it. "I would back off now before things become too much for you. He doesn't need another heartbreak." I growl. "And you think that's my plan? To leave him more broken than he is? No sir. I intend to heal him. I care for him and nothing will stop me from protecting him at all costs." His eyebrows shoot up. "So its him. He's the one your saving. The one you love." I cringe back and attempted to leave but he won't let me. He gets closer so no one else hears us. "You remember our deal? Protect them at all costs." I urge to bite him but I hold back. "Yes but remember what I said? Up until the war. Then, all bets are off." He squeezes my hand tighter and I whimper. He shoves me away and I make a run out to the balcony.

I stand out of sight trying to catch my breath. I let a tear fall. "How could I be so stupid? I was baited into it but I should have seen it coming. I'm a fool." A hand rests on my shoulder. "Serafina? Everything ok?" Its Narcissa. "Yeah. I'm alright." She sees my face. "Your not. I saw you with Lucius. What did he do?" I cringe at how animalistic we must have seemed. "He baited me into giving him personal information. And I know he'll use it against me." I glance to see her face and its cold. "I'll have a word with him." And off she goes.

I step over the railing and throw my heels down below before climbing down the tree here. I see Severus in the gardens and I go join him. "Would you like to have this dance? Its the last of the night. Then cake and gifts and-" I trail off. "I'm rambling. Dance?" He turns to me. "Yes." There in the garden, away from prying eyes, we dance. The music is a distant thought as I dance with him. Its only us out here.

"I wanted to ask you earlier but I got pulled away..." He raises and eyebrow. "You two looked like feral cats up until that last bit. Why?" I grit my teeth to avoid more tears. "He baited me into telling him something personal. What's worse is I know he'll use it against me to get what he wants." He holds my hand tighter and I flinch. He loosens his immediately. "He hurt you?" I sigh. "More my soul than my hand. Don't worry." He looks up from my hand. "I always worry. You tend to get into trouble." I smile. "Yes, I do. But sometimes its necessary to make sure people are safe." He holds my gaze. "People like who?" I glance towards the mansion. "People I care about. People like Noella and Draco... and you." He looks surprised. "Why me?"

I entwine my fingers with his. "Because I care for you." He inhales sharply. "Why do you care?" I look at our hands. "Can I not care for someone I spend nearly every waking hour with? For someone I've been on dates with? I've grown attached to you, in case you haven't noticed. I wouldn't have asked you to be my date for events if I didn't. I like you. A lot." I take in a breath after my confession.

He holds both hands up in front including our already entwined ones. I mirror him and we lock our other fingers together as well. "I've grown to care for you as well. No one likes to be around me but you don't mind. You understand everything. You're always with me. I like you as well. Would you be my..." He fumbles for the word. I smile. "Girlfriend?" He nods. "Yes. Of course I will." He releases my hands to cup my face, my hands on his shoulders. We kiss. Its romantic and sweet. Its fireworks and butterflies and all of the other fluttery, exploding, magical things.

I hear an aww from the balcony and blush as it ends. I turn to Noella. She yells, "CAKE TIME!!! ALSO CONGRATS!!!" I laugh and turn to him. "You wanna get cake or go home?" He smiles back. "We should get cake. She'll wanna know when you leave too." I sigh. "I know. C'mon." I pull him back inside for cake and a drink before we bid Noella and Draco as well as Lucius and Narcissa, who smiles at mine and Severus hands, good night. We apparate home and share another kiss before we part for our own rooms to sleep.

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