Tea or Tea?

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The week went much like that aside from a few different teachers here and there. Severus despised any and all questions I had and refused to answer most. I was in my last class with him on friday when I checked the time. Its was half past six. I stood so quick my stool toppled over but with a quick flick of my wand, righted itself.

I walked up to his desk. "Professor may I leave? I have somewhere to be and if I'm not there, it won't happen." He didn't look up from his work. "Who what and where Ms. Hill?" I bite my lip before responding. "Mr. Malfoy, tea, outside the gates before 7." He looks up then. "If you've finished your work you may go. But ONLY if its completed." I hand him the book and he looks before nodding.

I run out of the class and over to my room. As soon as I'm in I grab the dress and cloak from my wardrobe. They're both a dark green and polite enough for tea. I shower quickly and throw the clothes on, practically running to be outside the gate before 7. I make it 5 minutes before time and settle, watching the stars.

I hear a strange noise and look to see Lucius standing beside me. "Early are we?" I chuckle "I could say the same about you." He grabs my arm and aparates us at the front door. I turn to him. "If I'm not mistaken, you could've aparated us directly inside. But you chose to walk in. Why?" He shoves the doors open and I follow. "What kind of tea would you prefer?" I roll my eyes at that. "You didn't think I really meant tea did you? Let's go to your office to chat about some things." He huffs but leads me anyway.

Like the gentleman he is, he holds the door open for me before locking it behind us. I take a seat by the fireplace. "Mr. Malfoy, my first topic is how I came to be here." He takes the seat across from me. "You were offered the position?" I shake my head. "No sir I wasn't. I came from a different dimension to write some wrongs that have yet to happen." He looks disinterested. "And why should I believe you? You could be a mental patient for all I know." I nod, caught in thought. "You are quite proficient in potions, correct?" A slight nod from him. "Then give me verita serum. You know I'll tell you whatever you want to know, within reason. No lying."

He considers it before leaving the room to return with a vial in hand. "Take it all." I oblige. Its disgusting but tolerable. "Ask away Mr. Malfoy." He takes his seat again. "Why are you here?" I consider the question. "Not only to save a life but to steal a heart." I regret the answer but I couldn't lie  "Why do you want to talk tonight?" I hesitate. "To explain some but not all of the details of my venture here." He stares me down. "Who are you trying to save?" I bite my lip. "I can't tell you that. Not yet when I don't know if I can trust you." He nods. "And why don't you trust me?" I laugh at that. "You're not only a former, and future, death eater but also a father. You'd do anything to keep Draco safe. Including kill myself and out everyone." He raises his eyebrows. "And how do you know this?" I snort. "I'm from a dimension where places like Hogwarts and your manor are fiction. Magic isn't supposed to exist there. I studied everything there is to know about this dimension for a year before coming here. I know a lot about you." He, much like Snape, shows little to no emotion. "I know this is probably quite forward, sir, but if you need more convincing, why not enter my mind? Or allow me to think loudly at you?"

He seems taken aback slightly. "You know Occulmency?" I roll my eyes. "Not only that but I know you're quite powerful as well. Not as powerful at Voldemort, to my knowledge, but enough to drive a person insane." He stares. "Alright. Think loud. I'll listen." I take a deep breath before letting my barrier down a bit. I think about home and the depression I left behind. The loneliness and despair. The cutting grief of Severus death in the movie. I hear a silent gasp. I also think about Draco. How I want to save him by taking him away for a while.

He remain silent while processing the information. "Would you teach me proper occulmency? I've tried getting Professor Snape to teach me but he refuses." He considers it. "Alright. But you'll have to protect Draco." I hold out my arm. "I'll vow if thats what you need. But you'll not tell Narcissa or Draco anything." He nods and sticks his arm out, clasping my wrist as I do his. We draw our wands and begin the magic.

"Do you promise to take care of, teach, and protect Draco at any cost?" I smile. "Yes." He doesn't return the gesture. "Do you promise that you won't interfere with his duties under the Dark Lord, when the time comes?" I grimace. "Yes." He glares. "Do you promise to keep him alive no matter what?" I frown. "Yes." We lower our wands.

"It is done. Narcissa and Severus will say something similar in an unbreakable vow years from now. It must play out. Know that Draco is my first priority in the scenes leading up to the war. But when it comes time to do what I've come for, you'll have to step up and save Draco yourself." He grits his teeth. "I made a vow with you to protect him above all else." I nod. "Yes however, you know that what I'm here for is much more important."

He fumes at me but says nothing. As he runs out of the room and down the stairs, I follow quickly. He stays silent as he aparates me to the front gates and leaves without a word. I make my way into the school as I hear someone coming. I back into a corner and wrap my cloak tighter to conceal myself.

"Well, well, well. You're back late. Care to tell me why?" Snape. "No not at all." He frowns. "You don't have a choice. Speak." I nod. "You're right, I have no choice. None at all." He raises and eyebrow. "Surely you're smart enough to get it by now." He scoffs. "Verita serum?" I roll my eyes. "Yes. Took you long enough. Care to help me?" He grabs my arm and drags me to his classroom. "Not usually but you talk too honest normally. I don't need any more of it." I snort a laugh. "Of course not. Cause honesty is such a bad thing."

He grumbles while finding the reversal and hands it to me before shoving me to my room. I whisper the password before going inside. "I'll see you tomorrow to help with grading and bring you breakfast. Don't argue." He gets angry. "I'm not some petulant child you have to mother and nurse. I'm a grown man that can take care of myself." I sigh. "I know that. But as opposed to being in the Great Hall for meals, your company is nicer. Its too loud and I don't like eating in front of people." "Yet you'll eat in front of me?" He states more than asks. "You're not 'people' are you? You're 'a person'. One is fine but my anxiety and self loathing spikes at 2 or more."

Not waiting for a response I turn on my heel, go inside and lock my door, going to bed in my clothes. I reach my mind out for a moment and tell Severus good night. I don't receive a response, but I didn't expect one either.

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