Later That Night

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I changed into more appropriate attire for the eveneing and waited for him to return. I was thrilled to finally meet him. I just hoped it wouldn't end the way it was supposed to. Theres a knock at the door and I put up my mental barrier before opening the door and closing it behind me. "Thank you for escorting me to the feast, professor. I hope it wasn't too much an inconvenience." He grunts in response. I probe his mind a minute before he looks at me and stops walking. "Did you just try to enter my mind?" I nod. "I did yes. And I'm glad to say I was unsuccessful." He looks both angry and a hint surprised. "Why is that?" I smile and pull his arm to continue to the feast. "If I had it would mean it is down. Also, if you decide to head off during a dangerous attack, say, I don't know, a troll in the dungeon, do not go without me. Please." He shook his head. "I'll do no such thing. You're a strangerto me."

I stop him right before the door to the room. "Promise me or I won't help you." He stares at me and I sigh. "I would prefer if you didn't die." I turn and grab his arm as we enter the room. He is uncomfortable but I couldn't care less right now.

He leads me to my seat, beside himself, and sits waiting for the children to arrive. I assume that since Professor McGonagall isn't present, she's bringing the first years. The hall becomes nearly full and that's when the doors open. I notice a hat on a stool and smile to myself. Severus turns my way but I ignore him.

The first person up is Hannah Abbot. After that I drift off in thought. Harry will have to succeed in getting the tear before I heal him. Otherwise it won't work. But I'll have to make them leave before his soul leaves him. I feel someone at my mind barrier. He glances at me. I frown.

I turn to him once the students are sorted. "You will teach me Occulemency right?" He sighs. "I suppose. You'll have to be prepared for some people that might try to intrude when they see you." I smile. "Like Mr. Malfoy?" He raises an eyebrow. "Precisely." I roll my eyes. "It seems you keep forgetting I know all the people who will play a part in this entire thing." He scoffs. "I don't forget. I'm only trying to understand how you retained that information." Now I scoff. "Because I'm smart. I've made it this far haven't I?"

I turn back to the Hall as Dumbledore gives his speach and the food appears. Its a bit of bread, mac n cheese, ham and potatoes. I glance at Severus' plate and see he's looking at mine. Specifically, my mac n cheese. I lean towards him. "If you would like some, go ahead. I have no problem sharing." He shakes his head so I shrug and return to eating.

The feast wraps up and everyone is lead to their dorms. I hang around a bit longer to talk to Professor McGonagall. I approach her and smile. "I'm excited to learn from you. What time do you want me to show up?" She smiles warmly. "6:30 am sharp so we can work a bit before breakfast. I'd love to chat a bit and have tea." I nod and turn to head back to my room when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Its Dumbledore. "Might I have a word with you?" I nod.

He leads me to the hall and we walk for a bit before he speaks. "I've got to say you're making quite the impression. I was delighted to see Severus talk to someone at dinner. Even if it was a bit tense." I smile slightly. "Nothing I wasn't prepared to deal with, I assure you. I never told you my age but it could be important in the future. I am 17. Turning 18 in december. Another matter I wish to discuss, however far off it may be." He nods and waits for me to speak again. "Where will I stay when christmas break and the school year ends?" He thinks for a while before thinking. "Do you truly need his help on a potion?" I nod grimly. "Unfortunately. I tried to brew it in the past and let's just say, it didn't have the desired effects." He nods and hesitates to respond. "How would you feel about staying with Professor Snape?" I hesitate to answer. "He won't mind me intruding in his personal space?" He waves his hand in dismissal. "Nonsense. Its settled."

"How do you like your room?" I smile wider. "It's appealing. Thank you." He smiles. "Of course. I best be getting to bed. I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast." I nod and head towards the lake. I have to find someone. The tree will bring me comfort, I'm sure of it.

I've nearly made it to the tree when I feel a hand on my arm. "Let go or I will not hesitate to curse you." The hand grips tighter and turns me around. I let out a breath of relief. "Oh good. Its only you. You scared me for a moment." He let's go. "What are you doing here? Its late and that tree is dangerous." I roll my eyes. "Its one of the only things that remembers me here. Its no my first time. I consider it a friend." I walk closer and the tree bends to greet me. I touch the bark. "Hello. This time. I promise." It returns to its position as I get closer to the hole. "We should get going."

I know he will follow. I enter the tunnel and we come out in the shack.
I turn to him. "Now we must apparate to Diagon Alley. I haven't got much time." I grab his hand and apparate us to my room. "I do apologize for not being up front but I have things to do tomorrow and I need to get materials today." I leave him and head to Gringots.

I walk up to the man at the desk. He remembers me from a few months ago. "Your key?" I hand it to him and he motions me to follow. I do, hoping Severus has followed. The ride is silent. We stop at a vault. "Vault 394. Take what you need." I grab my bag out and take what I'll need for the next year and a bit extra for certain items. "Thank you. Let's return to the entrance." I get back in as the man locks my vault, Severus waiting in the cart. We all exit at the top, my key returned. I thank the man again and grab Severus' arm, pulling him with me.

The first stop is Olivanders. Its obvious the man was ready to retire to his home when we step in. He perks up a bit. "You're the first person I've had to take time to read. Welcome." I nod and walk to the counter. "I don't mean to offend you in any such way. I know your talent. But I did come for a specific wand." He furrows his brow. "This is quite curious. Do tell me." I smile. "Thank you. Maple wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¾". If you would please." He raises his eyebrows but heads off muttering. "This could work. It really could." He returns with the wand and I pick it up. Swish and flick and it does what I instruct. The man is shocked. "I've never met someone like myself before. Someone who knows the wand that calls them." I smile and pay for the wand before heading out, Snape in tow. "Alright next is the book place. I assume after being a teacher as well as a student you'll know what I need." He leaves my side when we enter but returns with the books, I smile greatfully, pay and leave. "So being potions master, although not what you want to teach, must have benefits." He glances but says nothing.

"Alright last should be a pet. I like cats but not enough to own one. Do you think I could get away with a snake?" He raises an eyebrow. I frown. "I suppose I wouldn't want it strangling anyone by accident." I hear something and turn to him. "Was that a laugh?" He stays straight faced. "No." I move on. "What do you think? Toads are not an option. I will not tolerate one." He sighs. "Well then I suppose an owl or a hybrid creature." I snap my finger as a thought comes up. "I know just the animal. A felidavian." He grimaces. "Those are rare and destructive. Only people with expirience should own one." I smile. "I know the owner of the shop. There are a few in the back. For the right price."

I enter and walk straight to the plump woman. "A felidavin please." She chokes. "Do you know how much they cost?" I smile and put the payment on the counter. "I came prepared. May I have a look? I know they choose an owner." She leads me to the back room and there they are. The white one approaches. The others stay back. "This one is mine." She nods and goes to pack it up. I stop her. "Do you have a harness instead? I'd prefer if it wasn't cramped like that." She nods and puts to harness on handing me the leash. "Come lovely boy. I'll think of a name later." And out we go into the cool air.

I grab Severus' arm. "Take us back please. I need sleep." He doesn't say anything but were outside the front gates in a moment. He leads me back to my room and leaves me to myself. I set my things on the desk and take off the leash. I accio a bed and bowls for water and food. Then I put myself to bed, sure to set an alarm so I can prepare for tomorrow. I lay down and remember nothing else.

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