Music to my Ears

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The next morning I'm passing by the potions room on my way to breakfast and I hear singing. I draw my wand to frighten the child but what I see astounds me. No one is in the room but Professor Snape. And he's the only singing. What's crazier is the song is from a movie not made here. Its 'pretty women'. One of my favorite movies. I happened to bring it with me but how?

I knock and it stops. "Come in." I walk in slowly. "Sir, you have a lovely voice. I didn't know you could sing. My only question is, how do you know that song? Its not from here." His emotions are unreadable. "I don't know what you mean." I smile slightly. "Pretty women. Oh pretty women." His eyes widen. "I don't know how you discovered that song considering I made it, but I ask you to leave." I giggle. "Only if you'll join me for breakfast in the great hall." He grumbles but comes with me. "I suppose if it will keep you silent." I grab his hand. "I'll have to watch the movie it came from with you. You'll see who you are in a different universe." I frown slightly. "I should say were."

He stares at me but says nothing as well walk there. Before entering, he let's go of my hand. I walk in before him and nod at him holding the door for me. I take my place beside him and Albus says a few things before the food is layed out. I glance at Snape before digging into the food. I use my fork to grab a cinnamon roll, bacon, eggs, and some mixed fruit. It all tastes amazing. Especially the fruit. The grapes are the most sweet but the strawberries have more flavor.

I push my fruit bowl at Snape. "Try some. Its so good." He looks sceptical but I see a glimmer in his eyes when he eats it. I hear some murmurs from the students. I stand up to leave, new bowl of grapes in hand. "I'll see you in class. I have to go."

The teachers look on in confusion as I leave the hall. I head to the astronomy tower to hide for a while. I've been here nearly all day, eating. I'm so stressed about what they must think. I shouldn't be but its in my nature. I get startled by a hand on my shoulder. Its Minerva. "Oh dear I didn't mean to frighten you. Are you alright?" I shake my head. "Not at all. I know what I have to do but its gonna hurt Severus and I just got him to trust me." She frowns slightly. "And what is it you must do?" I look down at the students running to class. "I have to distance myself. I hate this but I feel so..." She grabs my hands. "Its ok to be scared of what people might say. But it isn't ok to let other people's opinions sway your own." I nod. "I know but I dont know how to change that. I've never been confident of anything but my love for certain people." She smiles. "Then use that to be confident. Be prideful that you have loved ones. Its a gift." I smile a bit. "Yeah it is. I have to go now. Its been lovely seeing you."

I run down the stairs and into the potion classroom. "Professor we need to talk." He look up from his work as the students watch on with interest. He stands up. "You'll finish this class with Professor McGonagall. Off with you." They leave hurriedly as I walk into his office. I sit and then stand and sit again but ultimately choose to stand.

He closes the door behind him and uses a quick muffiliato spell to silence the room. "What is it?" I suck in a quick breath. "I'm scared of social situations. For instance, breakfast. I shared food with you and everyone started gossiping about us. I ran out because I was scared. I'm sorry I ducked out after inviting you." He stays silent as he goes to sit behind his desk. "And what is it you want me to do?"

I squeeze my hands tight. "Iwantyoutobemydatetoapartytonight." He raises his eyebrows. "Come again?" I slow down my words. "I want you to be my date to my cousins engagement party tonight." He watches me for a moment and I get ready to leave when I hear something. "What was that professor?" He speaks again but louder. "I said yes. I'll go with you. On one condition." I nod with a smile. "Yes anything." He stands, walking to the door. "Will you be my date to the Yule Ball?" I hug him tight before remembering myself. "Yes I will. Sorry about that. I got excited." He opens the door. "I'll see you tonight then." I smile and head off. "Tonight."

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