Nearly Dead

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The days passed easily enough but I had yet to see Noella anywhere, which I found odd because I was in a lot of the classes she should have been. It was even more strange when I asked Draco if he had seen her and he hadn't either. I brushed it off for now but was getting worried.

Its been two weeks and no one has seen her. Now I was scared. I immediately went to Severus. I firmly knock on the door and push in when I hear the affirmative. "There's an issue. One of your house is missing." He just stands for a moment. "Who? How long?" I take a breath. "Noella Greengrass. Two weeks." He huffs and takes off to the dorms, me following quickly. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?" I bite my lip. "I just thought it was our schedules not coinciding."

He glares and hurries into the Slytherin common room. He spots a girl. "Take me to Noella Greengrass' room. Now." The child scurries off and we follow. "She stays here. Haven't seen her since the day she showed up." He moves the girl out of the way and barges in the room. When not found I drop my barriers and set out feelers. I only feel Severus.

"We have to tell others. I know her and she likes to explore. If she's gone to the dark forest, we could be too late. Go get some kind of poison healing thing and meet me outside. Most of what lies in that forest is deadly." I take off for the headmasters office and send out a potronus to gather the teachers outside his office.

I slam my hand on the Gryffin. "Come quick! A student is missing!" The stairs appear and when able, he runs down them, as the other teachers arrive. "We have a student missing. Noella Greengrass has been missing for two weeks. No students have seen her. I haven't seen her and I've been with all of you. We must search the grounds. I'm heading to where the lake and forest meet with Professor Snape. If you find her, send up sparks. We have things necessary to save her."

Dumbledore runs with me to the gates. "I should have looked for her sooner. I just thought she was busy. This is my fault." "Don't be so hard on yourself. If you find her, send me a sign and I'll prepare madam Pomfry." I part from Dumbledore and run to the forest edge, sending out feelers. I brush against something. "Severus she's here. Far and fading but here." I run into the forest and focus on getting to the lakes edge.

I nearly run right off a cliff in the process. If not for a firm grasp on my cloak hood. I gasp for air as he pulls me into himself. "Get a grip Ms. Hill. Which direction?" I point down. "She's there. She's so pale." I aparate us to her. "She's barely breathing." I force her mouth open and see her tongue is purple. To confirm, I pry her hands open and there they are.

"Severus its nightshade." He looks as well and grabs a vial from his bag. "This will keep her alive until we get back. I can't aparate her because of how weak she is. Its likely she's been here since the first day." I grab a piece of paper from the ground where she laid. Its a letter confirming her and Draco's betrothal. Her pretty blue dress is brown and gray from the weathers harshness.

He picks her up and we both run to the other side of the forest. "Expecto Potronum." Its a doe like Severus. He chooses not to say anything which I'm thankful for. We make it into the castle as the rain lets loose. Our race to the infirmary is halted when I slip and hit my head on the floor. Severus hesitates.

"Take her there. I'll make my way." He looks back before continuing his journey. I know I'm not getting up. I twisted my ankle hard when I slipped. It hurts just sitting here. I pulled out my wand and try to aparate but can't. I drag myself to the gate, not far from where I fell. Everything is getting blurry but before I black out, I aparate to somewhere.

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