"Hi." Lee whispers once her dad and brother move away so she could come in.

I wave at her awkwardly. That makes Lee giggle, and instantly it makes me smile.

"So, you're not gonna say anything?" Lee asks as I continue to stare at her.

When she stepped in front of me, I can see her cleavage and her smooth, tan, long legs through the side cut in her full-length gown. Even though her legs are always on display thanks to her shorts, but tonight they are a little more alluring than ever. And now I cannot stop myself from imagining running my hand over it. And feel the smooth skin under my fingertips. Damn! Lee being dressed like this is doing things to me, and weirdly I am not afraid.

"Are you just gonna check me out all night or say something? Because you know it is your senior prom too." Lee is smirking while my cheeks start to get warm.

I put my hand up to hit her, then drop it without doing it. Because when she is looking this ridiculously gorgeous and mind-blowingly sexy, she does not deserve to get hit for making me blush. She deserves something, and I cannot think of anything yet.

Just like that I put a hand behind her waist and bend her to give her a mind-altering kiss. Because that is what she deserves. To be kissed like in some old Hollywood movies. Except instead of the guy holding the girl in his arms, it's me holding Lee in my arms while I thoroughly kiss her extremely inviting lips. When I feel satisfied, I pull back and help Lee stand up again. Lee and I are both blushing now. Lee just looks at me and smiles shyly while moving her gaze elsewhere. That was an unreal kiss. I did not think it would be this good to kiss her like this. Wow you learn new things every day!

"Wow!" I smile at Lee's sentiment. "Still no words, huh? Well, I guess you made up for it with that kiss. It was one hell of a kiss." I quirk my eyebrows at that. I mean I thought that too, but the way Lee said it seems like she did not say the full sentence and there is more to it. I would ask her as soon as I figure out where my voice went. Why do I turn speechless whenever I am in the vicinity of my gorgeous girlfriends?

"That sure was. Wow sis. Never knew." Topher comments. That makes both of swerve our heads towards him because we forgot about him being there and where we are currently. And that is not something we usually forget. It's something to ponder on.

"Do y'all kiss like this always? Because then you would give some people run for their money. Namely those movie people." Topher grins like a Cheshire cat with that comment. Is he proud of his comment or something?

"Can we keep it PG guys? There are kids here who are well now gawking at you both." Tori tells me while Liz snickers beside her. I roll my eyes.

"By the way Charlie, you are looking exceptionally beautiful tonight. I am sure Kris will compliment you some time tonight once she regains composure from seeing you in this dress." Liz compliments Lee and looks at me smirking.

I mumble 'har-har' very lowly. Yet Lee hears it. "Finally, I heard your voice." I instantly look up at Lee and stare at her widely. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone you spoke yet." Lee whispers to me softly while her smirk deepens. Wow. So, that's how it's gonna be tonight. I realize this as I look between Lee and Liz. I just shake my head.

Flashes. Loads and loads of flashes. Man can they not take pictures without those damn flashes. It is making me blind. Plus, I am not sure where to look anymore. I mean Tori, Liz, Topher they are all clicking pictures. Alex joined as well after picking my phone from the couch. She has figured out how to unlock my phone. It is not difficult, but it seemed extremely easy for Alex to figure out. Both my passcode and the pattern. I think it tells me that I should change them, yet I am not worried if Alex knows it.

Splicing of Changes (Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ