Puzzles make me sick

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"Sounds like simmons" Ada comments. "You were there but with black hair" Helena looks at Athena. "told you that simmons was creepy ada" Athena points her finger at her. "what" Leon asks. Athena ignores him. "why would he do all this" Leon asks. "long story" Ada answers for Athena. "were up against the people who really run this country" Ada says walking aroun them as her phone goes off. "in a very dangerous game and if you don't play your hand right" Athena finishes as Ada runs off and grapples away.

Thanks for leaving me with Leon

Athena sighs. "Athena what do you know" Helena asks. "that simmons sent orders six months ago to me and ada but we never got any messages like that he was always so creepy about us" Athena explains. Leon's Phone goes off. Athena walks away in her own thoughts.

Simmons is crazy. He better not hurt my daughters. I'm glad there not in the country right now.

Athena hears the phone. "in the attack we have suspect of you Helena harper and know criminal Athena stacy as suspect" Simmons says over the phone. Athena gulps. "I don't know an Athena stacy" Leon says. "old friend from spain agent kennedy Albert wesker's coworker and killer was in the university".

He must have tricked the school into inviting me it made no sense how could I be dumb

Helena and Leon walk off to a door. "Athena come on" Helena yells for as Athena runs after them

Time skip Leon's POV
"should we trust her" Helena asks Leon while Athena is far off. "thats a hard question to answer" Leon says. "I know there's history she yelled she had a baby with you but is there a huge history" Helena asks. "raccoon city she worked with wesker" Leon reveals. "the evil guy who tried taking over the world" Helena asks. "one and only" Leon replies. "was simmons right she killed wesker" Helena asks. "I'm guessing all this time everyone said Chris a few people said Athena and chris all I know was that she went missing six months before then I saw her two years ago blonde with a chest burn scar on her claimed wesker gave it to her I believe her she left him faked her death" Leon reveals. "you think the kid is true" Helena asks. "yea". Leon sees blade. "looks like we have to crawl" Athena yells from behind. They all start crawling.

Time skip Athena's POV
Athena and Leon are waiting for Helena to stop the fire in silence. "did you keep it" leon asks. "why are you calling an it" Athena asks angrily. "you didn't tell me shit about this kid not even the gender or even if you kept it" Leon defends himself. Athena sighs "girl and yea I did" Athena crosses her arms. "when was she born and her name" Leon asks softly. "february 2007 and her name is none of your business she's my problem not yours" Athena replies. "it is my problem I made her I'm her father that she never met what doe she even know" leon starts getting aggressive. "Leon please" Athena sees the fire gun and walks away from him. Leon follows her to the door.

I wish I never told him because now he'll break down my door to see davina and see I had two kids from him

Athena watches as Helena is turning a crank whiel Leon puts a key in the door. Athena watches the zombies burn. Then zombies come at them from all over. "come on" Athena says to herself before shooting. The door opens. They all head to the door to see water all over. Athena walks in first and Leon follows behind walking nexting to her in the water until they get to a gate. Leon cups his hand for Helena and she jumps over into a little cave. Athena sees something in the water. Athena screams. Leon goes under and punches the zombie off her then pulls her off. "you ok" Leon asks as Atehna is coughing and she nods pushing him away. Helena turns the crank opening the gate. Helena gets grabbed. "helena" Leon yells. Helena finds herself on the other side of them. "are you ok" Leon asks yelling. "yeah but i'm over here now" Helena coughs a bit. Athena and Leon walk up some stairs to see the same type of door closed. Helena starts turning the crank. Athena and Leon walk onto another crank to open Helena's door. Athena turns the crank quietly. "another on" Leon complains. Athena and Leon crawl under the blades. "there has to be a way to stop these can't get through them" leon says. Athena looks over at a skeleton zombie turning the crank. "shoot it" Athena points to it. Leon shoots the zombie and they keep going. "there's no crank here stay here I;m going to look for it" Leon makes Athena stay where she is by pointing to the crank thing. Athena leans on it and sighs. "there's not guartantee its even in here" helena answers trhough the radio in annoyance. "like we have a choice" Athena yells out.

Time skip
Leon and Athena walk through. "welcome back stranger" Leon jokes. They all walk to the door. Helena and Athena pull the lever at the same time. The floor opens and they all fall.

Time Skip
Athena Leon and Helena get up to see rocks. "welcome to the center of the earth" Leon says.

Is it really it?

Athena looks around and kills a few skeleton zombies. "how's your shoulder" Leon asks. "hurts" Athena jumps down and they follow her. "when we get out of here I'm checking it out" Leon says. "fine" Athena keeps walking. Athena Leon and Helena keep on jumping from big rock to big rock and turning cranks to put bridges down until they can't keep going foward. Helena jumps to a huge rock breaks. "helena" Athena yells for. "help" Helena yells as zombies cme after her as she's crawling.

Time skip
Athena and Helena are turning the cranks as Leon accidently shoots a boom thats on a zombie. The ground shakes and breaks as they all fall. "run" Athena yells. They all run as everything is falling apart running and jumping running and jumping to get to where they need to go which is out of there. They get to a big rock. Athena Leon and helena pushes it then run to see water come at them making them freak out. Leon holds onto her "what do we do" Athena yells. "hell if I know" leon yells. They hit underwater. They all start swimming. Leon still has her by the end swimming. Athena swims fast then Leon and Helena so she lets go of him to see somehing pass her. Leon swims to her fast. Athena keeps on swimming till she gets caught and a zombie grabs her. Leon punches it. Athena keeps on swimming to hear something behind her. Leon getting choked out. Athena punches the zombie. They keep going. Leon holds the metal bar to open it. Helena gets grabbed. Athena and Leon go down to punch it the the three of them pull the bars down and swim above breathing heavily. Athena screams and goes under. "Athena no" Leon screams swimming under. A big fish has Helena and Atehna at his mouth while Leon is holding onto the fin.

Not my lucky day why a big fish give me a break huh

Athena and Helena break out of its teeth and Leon forces his mouth open. Athena watches in horror what leon is doing. Leon stabs the big fish as they get thrown in different directions. "careful the thing's still around here" Helena yells from up top as Athena and Leon are next to each other. They keep swimming around to find a gate. Helena already knows and shines her red dot gun light on the circle. Athena and Leon swim through it then feel shaking. They swim fast. "leon athena" Helena yells shooting at it till it goes down. "thanks" Athena yells. They keep swimming to see it again "helena" Leon yells. Helena shoots it again "thanks" Leon says. They keep swimming until Leon gets grabbed. Athena punches the zombie. Helena shoots the fish again. Atehna and Leon swim to the end in peace and in one piece.

Simmons is one sick freak

Athena Helena and Leon push a broken metal door to get through then the fish attacks them. "Athena hold on" leon yells shooting at the fish seeing Athena's blood all over the water. Athena holds her bleeding shoulder and starts shooting. "dymanite" Athena yells shooting at it getting sweped away.

Time skip
They all scream falling in a huge pool of water. They grab wood logs then seen an explosion. "someone's cleaning house" Athena comments before they all swim to shore.

Time skip
Athena sighs "looks like were going to china"

All I gave you is gone (book 6)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant