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Davina when she comes back from mexico she'll have to take a bus to school in a new city. Her friends and teachers are mostly dead. How Do I explain this to Davina? How do I explain to Leon that he has a daughter?

"you okay" Leon asks. Athena keeps looking outside the bus window "yea" She quietly replies. "you need my jacket your wet" leon asks. Athena looks down at her chest to see she's leaking a bit.

Oh no

"no I'm okay" Athena looks away from him. "is it true that you helped chris kill wesker" leon asks. "maybe" Athena keeps looking away. Leon walks away.

I already have sweater with nothing else under it but I still have a sweater on.

Athena takes out her mirror compact squeezes the sides to show a photo of her daughter davina that she has whenever she misses her like crazy. She stares at it until she hears "derek c simmons". Athena closes her compact and walks over to Helena and Leon but before she does that the bus hits a zombie starting to loose control. "Athena" Leon grabs her before They black out.

Time skip
"no" A woman screams. Athena sees Leon stand up while Athena is still laying on the floor unable to move. Then Leon falls. Athena moves her head pulling out her gun. "shit" leon yells. "No" Athena starts shooting. "brace yourself" leon yells. Athena sees a light. "grab ahold of something" Leon yells the scrambles to Find Athena. A truck crashes into the bus as everyone falls. Leon grabs Athena shielding her.

Time skip Leon's POV
Leon looks around to find Athena nowhere "Athena" He looks at the bus as it explodes. "no" He whispers to himself.

Athena's POV
Athena grapples around the gravesite. "hope Leon made it out" Athena says to herself "ew its raining" Athena keeps grappling around.

Time skip
Athena is at a high building to see Helena and Leon run in a gate. Athena sighs in relied

He's okay

Athena then sees Leon fall "Leon" Athena grapples to him. Leon is shooting as Athena kicks the skeleton zombie as she comes. Athena lands on her feet. "your ok" Leon asks. "yeah" Athena nods. "you didn't just leave" Leon asks. "no I was looking for you then I got lost and here I am" Athena explains. "your a sight for sore eyes Stacy" Leon turns around and walks off. Athena runs after him "you look like hell" Athena holds herself since she's cold. "chased a dog around for a key" Leon explains. Athena holds up a crayon. "whats that were not coloring" Leon chuckles. "it burns have you seen spy kids" Athena asks. "I don't watch kid shows" Leon reveals. "you don't" Athena asks. "no" Leon replies. "so your alone no wife no girlfriend" Athena asks. "once in awhile its not like you have any either" Leon says. Athena gulps "were dying alone" Athena smiles at him. "no shit" Leon chuckles. "your paying for my nails and hair" Athena threatens. "I'm not paying 200 bucks for hair or 100 bucks on nails" Leon jokes. "first off 180 and 60 get your numbers right" Athena shoves him jokingly. "if your that mad about it fine" Leon jokes. "go back to being 29 please" Athena begs. "get chased around by a green monster again I'm good" Leon sees the pathway.

Ada is around I know she made it here but where is she

Athena Helena and Leon get through the gate. "here we are" Athena looks around. "Leon I'm wet" Athena looks at herself. "thats what she said" Leon says to himself. "Leon" Athena yells at him and hits his head. "open the door" Helena yells. "are you crazy" someone yells inside.

Open the door just a crack nerds

Athena turns around and pokes Leon. "son of a" Leon turns around to see skeleton zombies. "they can climb" Athena points to all the ones climbing over the fence all of them. Athena shoots at all she can along with Leon and Helena.

This all too much

"alright alright" A man says behind the door. "this better be worth it" Athena runs in first through the door while Helena and Leon follow after her. Leon slams teh door on a zombie as everyone looks at the three. "are you" A man asks. "sorry" Athena replies. "we're not rescue workers" Leon says letting everyone down. Athena squeezes her hair. "there's a secret door that leads under ground we need to find a way to open it" helena points to the back of the church. Athena shakes her head to dry off a bit.

See We can't trust her. I KNEW IT.

Athena walks around to hear about nancy and a marco. "Athena" Leon cups his hands. Athena jumps on his hands up. "two motherly saiants will reveal the path" Athena reads on the wall and walks to a ladder kciks it down to Leon and Helena. "she's light" Helena comments. "I'm just used to her" Leon says before climbing.

Time skip
"this is so weird" Athena hops down into Leon's arms. Leon puts her down. "lets just trust Helena on this". "I guess" Athena sighs. They walk inside a door. Helena walks to the right side while Athena stays where she is on the far left. Then Leon walks to a lever. "Helena grab the other one" Leon orders. Helena and Leon at the same time push down the levers. They hear metal moving and they get seperated. A statue come out. Leon presses a button the moment it comes out "there's a button" Leon says outloud. "your learning" Athena claps for him. "wow thanks like I'm 6" Leon replies as the doors open.

Helena's POV
Leon and Athena get along for five second then fight for five minutes. They are both older then me and acting like children with all there arguing

Back to Athena's POV
Athena goes through her phone as Helena and Leon pull down the levers. Athena is not looking or paying attention she's paying attention to her daughter's messages of having fun and Jessie in a floaty. "Athena" Leon yells pushing her. Athena gasps. "why aren't you paying attention" Leon yells. "things" Athena yells. "we shouldn't even be here right now" Athena yells. "what" Leon yells. "I don't trust her" Athena whispers angrily then she runs to a statue pressing the button. "well I need to find out whats going on I killed the president" Leon yells running around. Athena and Leon are running around pressing buttons screaming at each other.

Helena's POV
Seriously they are just distracting with all of their yelling

Athena's POV
"why should I trust you huh" Leon yells. "excuse me" Athena yells. "you heard me" Leon yells. "I told you what happened in 2006" Athena yells. "but refuse to tell me anything behind you turned your back on me" Leon screams. "You don't understand" Athena yells. "understand what you used me up pretend to be happy for a few weeks then ran off till I find you in the east" Leon yells. "I had reasons" Athena yells. "why should I trust you you say you have reasons but refuse to me you just leave me in the dark when all I ever did was love you" Leon yells. "you really want to know why I Left" Athena yells. "yes" He yells "I was pregnant".

All I gave you is gone (book 6)Where stories live. Discover now