1 - Turning Point

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"So what are you going to do? Kill me, or make me your weapon?"

If someone asked Harlow when her life took its drastic turn, she would not say the day when her mutant abilities first shone

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If someone asked Harlow when her life took its drastic turn, she would not say the day when her mutant abilities first shone.

Neither the day, when she burnt down her whole house whilst trying to use them.

Or the day when she walked in on her parents having sex. Forcing her to reevaluate life as she knew it.

Nor the day an owl swooped into their house and delivered a letter. A letter claiming her to be a witch. That news took the household by complete shock.

All of those events, and many more, were traumatic and surprising but none could top the day that led to her being held captive. Harlow was lead to believe she was still safe. That no one knew about her genetics, so she sat on the scarlet train wrongfully happily. Surrounded by her new best friends who she'd quickly grown comfortable with.

It was that very same scarlet red train that she begrudgingly sat on three years later. But she wasn't that same girl. She was a changed person for better and certainly for worse. Harlow couldn't find a single trace of that little girl left within her, not after all she'd been through. She was not sat giddily on the train. Laughing away and reminiscing over all the fun she was having away from home. There was no trace of excitement or happiness within the shell of the older girl.

The compartment she had taken residence in, was thankfully completely empty, much to her preference. Her suitcase was flown open as she sat with a second year charms book in her hands sprawled open. Harlow was desperately trying to take in all the information from within the pages and practise the spells with her new wand. She had been completing the process of reading all about a charm before using it, since she boarded the train. She knew she had no time to spare if she wanted to make a smooth transition and catch up. After all, she had to somehow manage to get three years of knowledge imprinted into her brain. Which due to her circumstances, didn't seem to be completely impossible. Certainly with more time she would be up to speed in no time at all.

It was more a matter of how long she could continue with the mind numbing process. The girl couldn't fake any enthusiasm when it came to magic. Not anymore. Her first year self was more than ecstatic to be in this whole new world with endless things to learn. Frankly, the girl no longer cared. But, Harlow had to admit she appreciated the menial task. It kept her mind distracted from the plague that regularly infected her mind. Causing havoc and ruin to her thoughts.

Harlow memorised everything she could from the second and third year textbooks. She also completed every practical activity she could, not including potions or most of transfiguration. The girl was rather thankful you could cast spells on the train. One of the first charms she made sure to learn and use was the concealment charm.

That was all before the door slammed open and obnoxious laughter followed. "It was your fault! You packed the dung bombs wrong."

Harlow simply picked her eyes up from the book and scanned the new faces in the compartment. Four faces she recognised almost immediately, they hadn't changed much at all.

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