Hardin Chapter 26

Começar do início

"Ok, but not too much."

"You're so bossy, I don't like it when it's this long. It's only gonna be a few inches."

I know I can't tell her what to do but I love her hair so much.

I run my fingers through it.

"I know, but I just love you hair."

"Don't worry, it will still be the same boring blond." She pecks my lips before she stand up and grabs her bowl.

She walks over to the kitchen and I follow her.

"It's not boring."

She puts it back up in a bun before she starts watching her dirty dish.

"It kinda is, I've seen millions of other blonds. The only difference is that I was born with this and they had to bleach theirs."

She giggles.

I walk behind her and kiss her neck before I walk over to the coffee pot and pour myself a mug.

"Your hair is not boring Theresa, it happens to be one of my favorite things about you."

She turns and shakes her head.

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever you say."

"You know you're annoying when you're stubborn." I say.

She dries her hands and turns to face me completely.

"You love when I'm stubborn, you like the challenge."

I open my arms for her and she walks up to me and wraps her arms around my waist, she rests her chin on my chest and looks up at me.

"You know I love you no matter what, but I draw the line at purple hair."

She smiles.

"How about black, it is your favorite color after all. Or maybe red?" She teases.

"No color Theresa."

"You're so bossy."

"You like when I'm bossy."

Her cheeks flame up and she hides her face in my chest.

"Don't get all shy now."

"I'm not shy, I'm flustered." She corrects.

She scrunches her nose and smiles, I stick my fingers in her dimples and she laughs.

She pulls away and walks over to the fridge and grabs the milk.

"Can you get me the Frosted Flakes, I can't reach them."

"You're tiny Theresa." I tease.

"Shut up."

I grab the box and hand it to her.

"I thought you already ate."

"I did, this is for you. Now sit and eat, I'm gonna go get dressed."

"Thank you darling."

I pull her in for a kiss before she leaves the kitchen, I sit and eat the bowl she poured for me. I missed having her around, I hate being alone. Once you get used to being around someone you love it's hard to have to be alone, I never wanna be away from her.

I slowly eat my cereal, she hates Frosted Flakes. She says their "bitter", she's just a sugar monster.


She walks into the kitchen.

"Does this match? I have another sweater that's green, but I think this one matches more?"

After The Truth Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora