6: Truth or Shots

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After my yoga session with Xan, I headed back to my apartment to pick an outfit for the party that night. The apartment was an absolute mess, Mal's clothes were scattered everywhere. I was pretty used to it, Mal had enough clothes to fill each of our closets -twice- so when it came time for her to pick an outfit for a special event, she had to dig in the extra boxes of clothing she hid under her bed.

"Oh thank god! There you are." The blonde said as she saw me. "I need your help with my look for tonight. I want something hot but not like 'I dressed to get laid tonight' hot."

I cleared a path to the couch and moved her clothes to the coffee table, "What about your baby blue dress with the small slit on the side?"

She dug in a pile of clothes near the fridge and pulled out the dress I suggested, "I don't know." She said after examining it. "This gives me more cute vibes, not hot."

"Oh what about the red Calvin Klein one, your legs look great in that."

She pulled the dress out of another pile, this one near the TV, and put it up to her body to see whether she liked it. "Iz, you're a genius. This is perfect! Now I just need to decide on shoes."

I was not going to stick around for that. I once saw Mal spend 3 hours deciding on what shoes to wear to go to the movies. After pushing past more clothes, I headed to my room to decide on my outfit.

My closet consisted of mostly casual clothes to wear to lectures with the occasional yoga fit. I looked through my hangers to see what my options where. There was a tight black dress with spaghetti straps, some nude bodycon pieces and a purple long sleeve dress that I don't even remember buying.

I guess you can't go wrong with a little black dress.

I took the outfit out of the closet and placed it on my bed while I looked for a pair of heels. In the end I ended up picking a strappy pair with a wedge for more comfort. I knew Mal would take at least an hour in the shower so I scrolled through social media while I waited for her.

My feed was full of beautiful girls living their best life at vacation destinations and cute couples going on romantic dates. I liked my life the way it was, really I did, but sometimes it was hard not to fantasize about a more exciting environment. To dream about fun adventures and romantic getaways.

I put my phone away and started getting ready when I heard Mal get out the shower. 4 hours later we were glammed up and heading to the boys apartment.


The five of us sat in the lounge of the decoration-filled apartment. We had taken some vodka shots and were starting to get in the party mood. Mal was 3 shots in and dancing with a tipsy Xan on the sofa.

By 5 p.m. the apartment was full of drunk college kids dancing to blasting music. I had found my rhythm and spent a good amount of time in the lounge dancing to the songs playing through the speakers.

"This playlist bangs. Who's in charge of music?" I asked Hunter as we swayed our hips to an Ed Sheeran song.

"Atlas made it this morning." He yelled over the music. "Don't worry, we put a couple of Taylor Swift songs in there for you."

I loved Taylor Swift and though they hated to admit it, I know the guys did too. After a couple more songs my feet started to hurt and I went over to the couch to join the group of people chatting away.

"Alright, Truth or Shots." A girl said as I sat down. "Answer a question or take a shot of whatever's in this bottle."

The bottle was filled with a slightly shimmery blue liquid and did not look good. Atlas was sitting across from me and went first. A short, brown-eyed boy asked him the first question.

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