16. eating, thinking, && writing

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you've been trying to suck up all of the information venti has been teaching you about love poems for the past twoish days and hoping you could finally think of something to write for your love poem that venti had assigned for homework

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you've been trying to suck up all of the information venti has been teaching you about love poems for the past twoish days and hoping you could finally think of something to write for your love poem that venti had assigned for homework. unfortunately you still had nothing come to mind, which was why you were hoping that maybe if you went out and did something it could help inspire your love poem a bit.

which is also how you're now here, just going around mondstadt and relaxing, doing simple things like just sitting down, enjoying the view or even just playing some more of the minigames. once you got a but hungry you'd try to roam around and see if there was anything that you could eat on the menus written outside of each place.

either way you still made your way to good hunter and talked to sara there. "hi sara! how have you been?" you asked. she smiled at you, "hello y/n, it's a pleasure to see you here again! is there anything you'd like to order?" she asked. you were thinking of what to order for a moment before you settled on eating some grilled tiger fish. "id like some grilled tiger fish please!" you replied

sara smiled and nodded, "a grilled tiger fish coming right up! would you like to eat here or take your food and go?" she asked. "uh... i think ill just eat here" you responded. she nodded and started to cook your food. you made your way to the table in front of the food vendor area and sat down and just relaxed for a bit before your food was going to be served.

you didn't wait that long, your food was made rather quickly which delighted you. you were just trying to enjoy the moment but the thought of having to finish the love poem you had to do kept on interrupting any peaceful time you had. you truly didn't know what to write at all.

you just wanted to think of something, write it out, and get it over with. you just couldn't stand the fact that you had to do something that's due pretty soon but you couldn't even start it because, you just didn't know where to start.


as time passed, the day was almost over. you were hoping that by going around mondstadt and doing different things could help inspire you and give you atleastly some kind of idea of what to write and yet you still couldn't think of anything, you were stumped. you just decided that you tried your best and headed to a house you managed to rent for the time being in mondstadt.

as you made your way to the house you were staying in you just enjoyed how the moon shined. it was really really pretty in your opinion. and just like that, suddenly a small idea popped into your mind. you then started to pick up your pace and started to go to your rented house and just write down the small ides you finally had thought of as soon as possible.

you were excited that you finally thought of something and you were just secretly celebrating on the inside. once you had finally made it to your rented house you were searching for any piece of paper and anything to write with. it was as if the idea just suddenly came out of nowhere. it came when you were least expecting it, but you were still happy you managed to think of atleastly something.

you found a piece of paper and a pencil laying on top of a desk and quickly jotted down your idea on the paper before placing the paper on the desk, and then headed to the bathroom to get ready to go to sleep. you just used the bathroom, washed your hands, then your face, brushed your teeth, and then headed to the bedroom.


when you woke up you were searching for the piece of paper that you wrote your idea on yesterday. when you found it you sat down in front of the desk and started writing away. you were thinking of different words to use in the poem and what to say. after all, it was supposed to be a love poem. you were just going for whatever you were thinking, and just decided that you'd read it all over after you finished writing and just fix any parts that you didn't like.

or, even just restart but with a similar concept to the original one that you wrote. you just wanted to get the love poem done with but now you were kinda just happily taking your time. if someone else were to be watching you write this they'd probably be wondering why you had such a big smile on your face, or or what you were smiling about in the first place.

you were actually finally looking forward to completing some homework for the first time in your life. a love poem even, and your past self would've thought that anything like this would've been a nightmare to you.

but you just continued to write anything that came to mind on that same piece of paper. you were kinda happy and excited about the love poem you were writing.

im kinda struggling with updates again so sorry about that but like we're getting close to the end of the story!!! woowwwww!!

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im kinda struggling with updates again so sorry about that but like we're getting close to the end of the story!!! woowwwww!!

also not read over 😯😯😧😧

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