01. daily commissions

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the next day arrived and you were still awake roaming around looking for some jueyun chili's just incase xiangling needed them

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the next day arrived and you were still awake roaming around looking for some jueyun chili's just incase xiangling needed them. after you've found a good amount of them you headed back to wanmin restaurant to look for her.

you dropped of the jueyun chili's and headed towards the adventurers guild to see if there were any commissions you could complete for the day, there was some trouble going on around wangshu inn, a group of hilichurls were spotted around mt. hulao, another group of hilichurls and an abyss mage between sal terrae and mingyun village, as well as visiting flora back in mondstadt.

you started off by going in between sal terrae and mingyun village to fight the hilichurls and abyss mage, then to wangshu inn and talked to verr goldet for the specific location, headed over to mt. hulao to defeat the hilichurls, and now you were going all the way back to monstadt

after walking over all the way over to mondstadt you visited flora and helped her try to find new methods of having her flowers last longer in the colder temperatures. her sending you to dragonspine wasn't necessarily the best because first off, of course it was cold. also because when trying to find a place to put her flowers some hilichurls showed up out of nowhere and were involved.

not too long after placing all the flowers you were able to get back to the campsite infront of dragonspine and take a quick rest there with a couple snacks in hand. just after quickly eating an apple you planned on heading back to the town mondstadt to eat some of the well known meat there at good hunter.


"hello y/n, what can i get for you today?" sara asked. "ill have the northern smoked chicken please" you replied. sara nodded her head, "coming right up! please take a seat while you wait" you nodded your head and took a seat at a table nearby and waited to a couple minutes before your chicken came out. "thank you" you greeted before starting to eat your meal

"no problem! its nice having someone who contributed to mondtsadt so greatly eat here in their own free time" sara said, you chuckled at this, "no need to look up to me as such a higher individual, just by giving me an edible dish is good enough for me"

sara nodded her head before returning back into the stall taking orders, it seemed to be fairly busy with costumers at the moment so once you finished your meal you quickly got up and left to talk to kathryn in order to claim your rewards for completing your daily commissions.

nothings better than being rewarded after what you did now, is there?

well maybe, there might indeedly be something better than this.

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