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tw: mentions of bruises & scars

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tw: mentions of bruises & scars

another day another set of commissions, today's commissions were interesting. there was a report on a group of hilichurls on an island around lots of water in yaoguang shoal again, you tried gliding over there to complete the first commission of your day until your glider had a malfunction.

as you tried gliding off a cliff onto the platform surrounded by water your glider didn't open properly and you ended up falling to the ground, unfortunately around the area there was a ruin guard and you caught its attention causing it to attack you.

in short, you came back to liyue limping and with some bruises and scars here and there on your body, that ruin guard really shot missiles at you like no one else's business.

people were indeedly worried and aided you with medicine and bandages and it still ached whenever you touched the bruises but you still went on and tried to complete your commissions.

key word; tried. you didn't make it to the commission area, you had to cross wangshu inn in order to get to the place where the commission was but you ended up sitting down to take a small break.

that small break turned into a really ling nap, ans that really long "nap" was just you falling asleep under a tree in the shade. at first people didn't notice you all that much assuming that you were just relaxing and taking what you wanted, a break.

as more people passed by the time was also going by, it soon became night and you were still out there sleeping, nobody really knows how you managed to sleep outside leaning on a tree but you did and eventually taken into wangshu inn and slept in one of the beds provided in a room.

when you woke up you were very confused, you went to take a small break since your leg was sore and ended up waking up in a room sleeping on a bed in the inn. you got up and headed towards the receptionist area to ask verr goldet what happened.

"you were taken in because you were sleeping outside on the tree in front of the inn" you were shocked to hear this and embarrassed by your current situation but dismissed that feeling and thanked her.

"thank you, but uh... don't i have to pay to like sleep here?" you questioned, she nodded, "usually yes but our faculty members decided that you could have a free stay here because you've helped us out many times"

"oh! well thank you again, but, you don't need to provide things like this for me! you can just act like im an ordinary person who just comes by to help out sometimes!" you didn't want any special treatment and have other people feel unfair but who wouldnt respect you?

the people in mondstadt respected you a lot, you had the title of the honorary knight which shows importance and how helpful you were. you also are well known for helping lots of people, whether that being normal day citizens, business owners, and high status people.

"please just think about this as a reward for your kind soul, we would like to at least pay back somehow to you. you can stay here for another 2 night for free" verr goldet said before answering a call from the phone.

you silently waved at her and she waved back, you were heading back upstairs but this time to the balcony to have a little look at the land from above.

well maybe hard work can really pay off sometimes

wooowoo filler ig?? im uhm? yeah idrk i had so much ideas for this story which is why i published it but now my brain like deflated or something? im running out if ideas!! 😰

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wooowoo filler ig?? im uhm? yeah idrk i had so much ideas for this story which is why i published it but now my brain like deflated or something? im running out if ideas!! 😰

ahaha this also isn't proof read!! aahaha

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