14. venti's poetry class

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the next day you decided to head to the statue of the anemo archon and see what's going on since there were a lot of people there

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the next day you decided to head to the statue of the anemo archon and see what's going on since there were a lot of people there. once you arrived there you saw a lot of people, some you didn't recognize but others you did. an example would be bennett. you haven't seen him in a while but the two of you were friends before you made your way to liyue and stayed there for a while.

"hey!! bennett!! it's me y/n!!" you yelled while running towards him. you thankfully got his attention and he turned around and smiled. "hey y/n! long time no see, huh?" he greeted. you smiled and nodded, "yeah, long time no see. sorry about not visiting you" you apologized. "don't worry about it! i know you're busy doing your commissions and helping people in liyue" he replied.

you sighed, "bennett, i appreciate you for being so understanding but sometimes you gotta think for yourself as well." he looked at you and nodded, "well that's true but i didn't wanna bring the mood down" you looked at him for a bit before sighing again, "you don't have to worry about that, sometimes you have to take care of your own needs over others"

he looked at you and nodded once again. "i got it! but what made you come here to mondstadt? was it because of the festival?" he asked. you shook your head, "well i originally came to complete a commission before i ended up getting injured" you replied. bennett looked at you shocked, "you got hurt?!? are you okay now?? how'd you get hurt??"

you giggled at his reaction and started to explain what had happened and how you even got hurt in the first place. bennett's face was full of horror when you were explaining how you got hurt. he most definitely felt bad for you. "and that's basically all that happened" you said ending your explanation.

"that sounds... terrible..!" bennett exclaimed. "but im all better now so it's fine" you responded. bennett looked at you and sighed, "im just glad you're alive, im not sure how you even survived that but im just glad you did" he admitted. you smiled at him, "yeah, im glad as well"

now you both were just standing around doing nothing, it was quiet between you two. you tried thinking of what to say until it popped into your mind, "hey bennett?" you said. "yeah?" he replied. "why are we just standing here again?" you asked. "huh? i thought you were standing in line for venti's poetry classes!" he responded.

"venti's poetry classes?" you questioned. "yup, you heard that right!" bennett exclaimed. you were confused, very confused. "what's that supposed to be?" you asked. "it's what it sounds like! from venti we learn things and probably make our own love poems!" he explained. "love poems..?" you asked.

"yeah! im waiting here for venti to show up! are you gonna enroll for it?" he asked. you looked at him and shrugged, "im not sure if i should" bennett looked at you and shrugged as well. "if you want to, go for it! im not sure what you would wanna do" he replied. you nodded, "that's true, i guess i will. it's not like i have anything else to do anyways." you said. he smiled, "well then i guess that means we'll be taking the class together!" you smiled back at him, "yup!"

you both made a few small conversations as you were waiting for venti to show up and once he finally did you both gave your attention to him to see what he had to say. "is this everyone?" venti asked. everyone nodded. "and everyone has paid their tuition fee, correct?" he asked. everyone started to nod again until you raised your hand.

venti looked over at you, "go ahead. what do you need to say?" he asked. "i haven't paid my fee yet" you said. he looked at you and nodded his head. "got it! ill make sure to collect the mora from you after i give out some tips and tricks to composing a love poem!" he announced. you nodded while replying, "alright"

as venti started to go through the list of people who had signed up to double check things a voice chimed in. "oh? what's happening here? mind if i get in on the action?" you looked to where the voice was coming from and met kaeya's face. he looked at you and waved while you waved back at him. "haven't seen you for a bit y/n, how are you?" he asked.

"im doing good, what about you?" you asked this time. "id say ive been doing fairly well, the windblume festival has been pretty nice so far" he responded with a smile. once your greeting with kaeya ended venti greeted him as well. "are you also here for romantic guidance?" he questioned.

kaeya laughed, "it's the greatest bard in town. and now, the greatest romantic advisor in town, no doubt. but, don't you have other business to take care of?" kaeya asked. venti responded, "oh! you mean teaching people how to compose love poems?" kaeya nodded, "exactly that! i heard you were teaching classes in the plaza so i came right away"

venti had looked at him surprised, "how come? you're a smooth talker, do you really need my guidance?" kaeya retorted, "the real question is, are you willing to take me on as a student?" venti smiled, "of course! when the mora comes knocking, who am i to keep the door closed?" kaeya laughed, "well, i guess im enrolled."

shortly after what he had said he proposed an idea. "as your student, may i make some reasonable demands?" you looked at kaeya interested in what he was going to ask for. "demands..? let's hear them" venti said while sighing. "as students, aside from attending class, we also need homework exercises" kaeya proposed. once you had heard what he said you started to slowly walk away hoping that venti would decline what he had offered.

well poor you because venti agreed to it. with an exchange going on, 3 bottles of the windblume festival exclusive applebloom cider from kaeya to venti along with venti paying some special attention to kaeya's homework and ensuring that he'd improve in his studies was what settled it.

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