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My grandmother is a sweetheart really, she is always there hen I need her, especially when my parents committed suicide together. My parents where high school sweethearts, they met at a bar, both with fake iD'S and both extremely high. My dad got my mother pregnant at 17 so when i was born she has just turned 18. My dad is a compete douchebag so he basically threatened to kill her is she had the baby and it was a boy, so when me, a girl popped out my dad made my mum promise that when I turn five they make my grandparents my legal guardian so that they can commit together.

Until I was 13 I thought my parents died in a car crash and that it was my mothers fault because she was driving and when she got pulled over for speeding, When the officer asked for her license, she said she didn't have it, He let them off with a warning, When they crashed, my brother and I were the only ones that survived the crash. On my 13th birthday My grandparents told me what really happened, it wasn't the most amazing teenage birthday present I've ever gotten but it was the truth, and right now that all I needed. I needed the validation, I needed to know what really happened to them, because I knew damn well a car crash didn't kill them, my mother couldn't even pay the fee to register for her license.

"Abigale, Baby Grandma is going to the market to pick up some veggies for tonight, The priest is coming around for tea, he wanted to talk to your about, your decisions in life and that the path given by God is the path you are following."

Being an open bisexual and a closeted lesbian with extremely christian grandparents is not the easiest job in the world, they always said they supported me no matter what but I always knew loved more brother more than me. Somehow she always thought she could pray the gay out of me, she never told me so but she always hinted to me that she wasn't the most supportive of me, always pointing out the cute boys, always saying husband and maybe wife always making me go to church after school, privately.

I didn't have the best of girlfriends in the world either, I know she used me to get to my brother, she always backed out of any intimate moments we had, always refused to kiss me in front of boys and never really told anyone that she even had a relationship with me,it always made me uncomfortable as I loved showing her off to my friends and posting about her on my Instagram, But whenever I posted something she always made me delete it or if I was posting on my story it always had to be on my close friends , which mind you were only a few friends and herself.

I had heard earlier that there was a party going on at a girl Lia's house tonight, I knew that Selena would want to go to the party, just not with me.

She would always get blackout drunk, hook up with a random dude and then be on her knees begging me to take her back as her Girlfriend, I hated knowing I was the one that had to keep an eye out for her because I wanted to enjoy myself there and not have to stay sober to make sure that she wouldn't end up killing herself accidentally from an overdose on some kind of drug.

We got to the party an hour and a half after it started, Selena said that she wanted to make some sort of a "dramatic entrance" I knew that's not why she wanted to come late. I know that she is basically a walking, talking red flag but I can't bring myself to let her go, I know that the only person it's hurting is me but the thought of not having someone to call my own saddens me.

After about 5 minutes of us being there together Selena goes off with some Guy called James, she tells me it'd only for a quick catch up, but yet again, I knew what it was really for. I am an awkward person, I don't like being left alone, I don't like the awkward conversations between old friends and I don't like the fact that I know damn well my girlfriend is in some room fucking a person that isn't me.

I knew that if I was going to enjoy myself at this party, I needed to loosen up, I need to let even the faintest thought of Selena sleeping with a guy leave my head. I have never been a big drinker, unlike my parents and brother but I know that I needed it tonight, as a treat.

3 Shots down and 2 beers and everything is already so loud and bright, yet the thought of being so vulnerable and hot lighted my mood, Selena hasn't even been brought to my mind in the last 20 minutes. In the midst of downing my 4th shot I see Selena come down the wooden stairs, her mascara running down her cheeks, her dress uneven and hair messy. "Abi I want to leave, this party sucks" she says it in her whining voice, which I have always hated. Normally I would have stopped everything to help her, but not tonight, I was having a good night and my pathetic excuse for a girlfriend was not going to ruin it for me.
"No Selena, I'm having fun and I want to stay, I always put everything aside for you and in return I get treated like trash! You never cared for me, you were always embarrassed by me, I'm finally getting to do something for myself and I'm not going to let you ruin it for me" I don't know if I was the high of the Alcohol or the fact I needed to say something to her about it. I turned back around and downed my unfinished shot, this bitch really just ruined my mood.

Before I knew it I was on the bench, my legs wrapped around Selena's torso, my hands in her thick blond hair, my lips on hers. I admit it felt nice to finally get some attention from her, and not just the quick "I love you's" or the side hugs in the corridors but something so affectionate and so intimate. Just as we were about to take it to the bedroom, my phone rang, It was my Grandmother telling me to come home as it was getting really late and I had school tomorrow.

I said my goodbyes and gave Selena a quick kiss on her forehead and left to my car, I knew I was to drunk to drive but I at least needed to Sober up for my Grandmother, to prove I wasn't a complete disappointment to the Family.
When I reach my porch there is something jammed in the mailbox, A letter? A post card?

Going to get the paper in the mailbox my eyes finally focus, it's a letter, addressed to me.

Im so sorry this took forever to get out I have been kinda busy, new chapters coming soon!

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- M

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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