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Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.


I don't know where i belong and i think I'll never belong anywhere. I blame that thought for making me trip over a root and land face first on the grass.

I groaned and dusted out the mud and leaves on my jeans and top. I looked up and a small smile played in my lips as I saw the North Star.

I've been walking in the woods following the North star for who knows how many hours, after my mom got really angry and pushed me down the stairs. Since then I've been following the north Star. North Star is my favourite star out of all the stars in the sky not that I know much about the other stars. I still believe that following North star will lead you home.

I was brought out of my thoughts suddenly by the sound of whispering. I've never seen anyone in this woods before and the fact that it's nighttime makes me want to scream and run in the opposite direction- like my mother said, but what if someones hurt. With that I stayed under the shadow of the trees as I walked towards the sound. I peeked out from my hiding and saw a man slumped against the tree.

I was about to run home but stopped when I saw the blood pooling around him from his leg and arm. I gasped at the blood. Without thinking I walked towards him.

"Are you okay?" I asked causing him to jump slightly. He was talking to someone in through the phone. He had jet black hair with electric blue eyes. I sat on my knees next to him.

From all the wounds I get from my mother's punishment, I was sure I could help him atleast a little even though I'm only 11 yrs old. There was a beep and he took the phone from his ears to look at it's black screen. He started cursed and looked at me.

"We need to stop the blood." I said.

"I know." He whispered and from the look on his face I know he's going to faint.

"Hey. Talk to me." I said urgently if he faint I don't know what I should do. "How do I stop the blood? What can I do?" I asked as I helped him to sit properly.

"You...need to take...the bullet out..out and try..... stitching..." He struggled with words and then he fainted.

Oh god! I looked at his arms from where the blood was oozing more. I tore his shirt, and tied them at his arm and leg where the bullet probably is.

I dragged him towards my house. As I saw the outline of my house. I placed the man on the ground in the shadow of a tree and ran to the house. Bleeding should have been stopped, now I need to take the bullet out and stitch it!

I ran without making much noise to my bathroom and took out the first aid kit, some towel, scissors and went downstairs to my parents room. My dad was not here, and mom was snoring. I quietly made my way to their bathroom and search for tweezers that I had seen.

I opened the wardrobe and took out a old looking shirt of my father. My mind was in one thing and that is to help that man. Even though I don't know him. I placed all my things besides him along with water. I removed his shirt, and started cleaning the wind in his arm.

Then I took the tweezers and took a calming breath, pushing the tweezer in the wound, searching for bullet. I gripped it and pulled the bullet out. Then like I had seen in the movie I heated the needle and stitched up his arm. I was so focused that I jumped slightly when warm, rough hands wiped my tears that have been flowing non stop.

I looked into the blue eye and smile and moved away slightly. He then started to tend to his wounds and I helped him and watched carefully. After he had almost cleaned up with two bottles of water. I gave him my father's shirt, which he wore without saying anything.

"Do you need something? Water? Or something to eat? Are you okay? I nee-" He silenced me from my ramblings and smiled.

"Thank you." He said with sincerity.

"It's nothing. Are you sure you're okay. I'm sorry. I didn't call anyone, I didn't know who to call and since you had phone I thought you would have called. I can make a call if you want." I rambled standing up. I don't know why but I felt calling someone or even police without his permission seemed wrong.

"No!" He yelled. I flinched slightly. His eyes then softened and he continued, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell."

"It's okay. I understand." I said softly. I wouldn't want him to call anyone not even police if he found me like this. "Do you live nearby?"

"Where are we?" He asked looking around.

I blushed slightly as he referring why he is still in the forest. I told him the address, as he said he lives a few houses down. I nodded and stood up.

"What are you doing?" He asked warily. I blushed again feeling stupid.

"Um..to help you to get to your house?" I asked not sure if he needed my help. " Only if you want."

"Do you know me?" He said quzzicaly. I blushed again what is it with the blush!

"Uh... No." I stated blushing even redder as I realised he might have though I was meaning something. I took my things as I said "I'll just go. I'm sorry." I was about to turn and walk away when he said, "Oh! I was hoping you'd help me get back to my house."

I looked at his eyes and saw understanding. I placed all the things down and helped him stand and balanced his 6 ft body and started walking toward the house he said through the forest.

He looked at me quzzicaly again for taking the forest path instead of the road but didn't comment.

We came to his house and got in through the back door. It was a light brown two storey building. I helped him to sit on the couch and asked, "Do you need anything?"

"Can you get me some water?" He asked and gave me instructions to where it is as I nodded. I gave him the water and stood their awkwardly.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Sang" I answered.

He blinked at me no wonder thinking if I was saying the truth or not. Then he decided to let it go or didn't care. " I'm Derrick. I would have said it's nice meeting you if it was any different scenario."

I smiled warmly and asked, "It's okay. Do you need help with anything?"

"No but thank you." He answered genuinely. I shrugged it off as I went to the back door and took a looked at the man in mid 20s with black hair and blue eyes. I waved to him and walked away knowing that everything is going to be back to normal.

But something's telling me that my life's going to get a lot more interesting.

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