"He started it." Loki grumbled.

"Did not." Thor hissed.

"I don't give a flying pop tart who started it! Now stop acting like children and answer my damn question. Why are you stabbing Thor?!" You intervened. Loki mumbled something in which you couldn't hear. "What was that?"

"He said I was a variant of Elsa." Loki whined

"Thor!" You yelled trying to hold in your laughter. "Say your sorry."

"Sorry, brother. You aren't an Elsa variant...Your much to violent to be."

Loki tried to lunge at Thor but you stopped him before he could. You threw your apple at Thor to get him to shut up and stop laughing.

"Thor shut up and go to the Med Bay. Banner will do the rest."

Thor left to find Banner as you turned to Loki and burst into laughter. He couldn't help but do the same.

*Time skip ~ About 2 Hours Later*

Everyone was now awake and was in the living room watching TV when the elevator doors opened. Figuring it was just Steve and Sam you didn't look up. However, a third figure emerged from the elevator catching the corner of your eye.

Steve stood on the left of a man you had never seen before. Sam stood on the right of the man. He had long, wavy, chestnut brown hair which framed his face perfectly, gorgeous steel blue eyes that looked down at the ground and the subtle yet noticeable stubble in which showed off his sharp jawline. You couldn't help but notice his fitness, he was muscular and buff. But not too buff and not super skinny either. He wore a charcoal gray leather jacket with a red polo shirt underneath, denim colored jeans and dusty looking work boots. He had on a plain black baseball cap and leather gloves. "Why is he wearing gloves?" You thought to yourself. "He's beautiful though." You caught yourself staring when he looked up and made eye contact with you. His piercing blue eyes looking directing into your y/e/c eyes. You quickly looked away breaking eye contact. He seemed broken, like he wasn't all there. But overall he looked lonely yet angry. He hadn't spoke at all while Steve was talking to Sam and Tony.

You sat down the TV remote you were holding and walked over to them. "Hey Guys."

"Hey Y/n. This is Bucky. He's going to be staying here at the Compound from now on. His room is going to be across the hall from yours." Steve explained glancing between you and Bucky.

"Okay. Sounds good. Hi Bucky, I'm Y/n." You said with a smile, holding out your hand for him to shake. He gave a slight forced smile back and shook your hand.

"Uhh Y/n I'm going to show Bucky around. You wanna come?"

"No thanks, I have to help Tony with something." You responded. Steve and Bucky walked away and you went into the lab where Tony was. "Hey how's my suit coming along?"

"It's coming along fantastic. Though it's actually my suit. Your just wearing it." Tony sassed. "Hey do me a favor and don't blow this one up on our next mission. Although this one is made of Vibranium so it will be kind of hard to. But I'm sure you'll find a way."

"Ha ha. Very funny Stark. Maybe next time I won't save your ass." You replied snarkily.

"Okay. Okay. I take it back."

You smirked and walked out of the lab and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. You opened the cabinet to grab your box of pop tarts only to reveal an empty box.

"WHO ATE MY POP TARTS?!" You yelled and turned around finding Thor with a pop tart stuffed mouth.

"I have no idea." Thor said innocently crumbs flying out of his mouth.

"Seriously?! Dude I just bought those. Jarvis, add pop tarts to the shopping list."

"Already done, Miss Y/l/n."

*Time Skip ~ Later That Night*

Everyone is in the livin room except Bucky and Steve, who were still walking around the Compound. You are sitting on the couch watching TV while laying up against Loki who's reading. You have your feet laying on Peter's lap who's falling sleep. You slowly got up to move over next to him. Just as Peter closed his eyes, you punched him in the shoulder waking him up.

"What the f-" Peter jumped.

"Language Parker!" Steve yelled from the other room causing everyone to laugh.

"Goodnight guys. I'm going to bed." You said rubbing your eyes.

You walked up to your room, changed into a cami tank top and shorts and got into bed. Slowly drifting off to sleep shortly after.

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