Chapter Two: Let's Go Home

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Phil smiles. "I had a good feeling about this. It looks like I was right. Well, we need to have just a quick conversation, Mr. Anderson. Then we'll see about sending this little guy home."

Betty holds her hand out. "Come with me, Castiel. We're just going to play for a bit longer. Ok?"

Castiel's eyes widen, not wanting to let go of Zach yet. "My daddy?"

Zach smiles reassuringly. "I want to hear all about what you played. Ok?"

Castiel reluctantly lets go of Zach taking Betty's hand. Betty gently guides Castiel to the door and out of the office to the playroom across the hall.

Zach watches them go and gets up, closing the door before returning to his seat, grinning ear to ear. "What do we need to talk about?"

Phil leans forward, placing his elbows on the desk. "We don't like to say it in front of the child. While we're sending him home with you, it's not official until we see how he does. A child must thrive first."

Zach nods understandingly. "I understand that. What does that entail?"

Phil smiles. "Simply a trial for both of you. He has to want to be with you as much or more than you want him. It's the child's best interest we seek."

Zach smiles. "Let me take him home. If that's what it takes, I'll do it. Just please?"

Phil leans back, tilting his head, then nods. "I said I felt good about it, and I do. Betty, who brought him in, will be the one to check in with you."

Zach bounces his leg with nerves and excitement. "Then I'm ready."

Phil gives Zach some paperwork to sign and, after looking it all over, motions to the door. "Go ahead and take Castiel home."

Zach nearly jumps up and then forces himself to walk calmly to the door opening it, and makes his way across the hall to the playroom leaning against the doorway. "Hey, little buddy."

Castiel's face lights up hearing Zach's voice, quickly getting up, dropping the toys he was playing with, and running over to him. "Hi Zach!"

Zach grins and picks Castiel up. Castiel wraps his arms around Zach's neck, and lays his head on his shoulder.

Phil follows Zach and nods to Betty, who is grinning ear to ear as she smiles at Castiel. "Mr. Zach is going to take you home now. You're going to get to spend lots of time with him. Then I'll come to say hi and check on you a couple of times. How does that sound?"

Castiel looks at Betty smiling. "I'm going home with Zach?"

Betty nods, smiling back. "Yes Castiel. You're going home."

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