Chapter One: Mr. Anderson, Meet Castiel

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Zach nervously paces outside the office door, wringing his hands after receiving a phone call.

The door opens, and the director of the Orphanage, Phil smiles. "Hi, Mr. Anderson. Come on in."

Zach nods and walks into the office, his heart racing. "Thanks for seeing me. I was surprised you called, honestly. I Didn't think I was very high on the list yet."

Phil gestures to the chair. "Yes. Well, that may be true, but this is a special case." He takes a seat on the other side of the desk and leans back in his chair. "We have a little boy that we think would be a perfect fit."

Zach's heart begins to pound, and he whispers, "Really?"

Phil nods, smiling. "Really."

Zach leans forward. "I want to know everything about him."

Phil opens his desk drawer, pulls out a file, and slides it across the desk, flipping it open. "Mr. Anderson, This is Castiel."

Zach looks at the file and the picture, his heart pounding as he smiles.

Phil watches Zach's demeanor and reaction carefully. "I take it that you're already planning things."

Zach smiles, "Absolutely. Assuming I'm approved, that is. He's perfect."

Phil smiles. "Well, it's good that you already have been approved then, isn't it?"

Zach's head snaps up from the file, his eyes widening. "I've been...wait when?"

Phil chuckles and motions to the door. "He's here. Though I didn't want to say so unless I was confident this was the match that I hoped it to be."

Zach's head whips towards the door. "Where?" Zach then looks back at Phil. "I'm sorry. I'm just very excited."

Phil nods. "I don't blame you. How about I let you talk to him. Does that sound good?"

Zach nods, taking deep breaths. "Yes. Perfect." Zach thinks to himself how much he hopes this is the right fit for both of them. He nodded, then smiled.

Phil pressed an intercom button. "Betty, Bring in Castiel for me, please."

The office door opens, and a young woman walks in, holding the hand of a small boy.

After taking another deep breath, Zach turns to look and melts at the sight of him. The little boy clings to Betty's leg, shyly peeking out. When the boy sees Zach, a shy smile appears on his face.

Zach smiles and slowly turns his chair, but then changes his mind and kneels a few feet from Castiel softly saying, "Hi there, you must be Castiel."

Still peeking out from behind Betty's leg, Castiel nods slowly, still wary of Zach but sporting the same shy smile.

Zach's smile grows. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Castiel. My name is Zach."

"Hi, Zach."

"Hey. So, did you know that your name is the name of an angel?"

Castiel peeks his head out further and softly asks, "It is?"

Zach nods. "Yes. I'll have to tell you the story sometime."

Castiel's face lights up. "I would like that."

Zach chuckles softly. "Then I'll make sure to tell it to you later. How old are you, Castiel?"

Castiel thinks for a moment looking at his fingers then beams proudly at Zach holding up five of them.

Zach gasps, "You're five? Wow. So grown-up."

Phil and Betty grin at each other as they watch the exchange.

Zach smiles at Castiel. "Hmm. Let's see. Is there anything you want to ask me, Castiel?"

Castiel looks up at Betty curiously.

Betty nods, "Go ahead and ask Castiel. It's ok."

Castiel looks shyly at Zach and softly asks, "Zach? Are you going to be my daddy?"

Zachs heart jumps again, and he smiles. "Well, I was telling my friend here that I'd like to be. Is that something you'd like? I know we don't know each other very well yet."

Castiel looks at Zach, a tear falling. "My daddy?"

Zach's heart aches and opens his arms. "Yes Castiel. Come here."

Castiel lets go of Betty's hand and runs over to Zach, hugging him tightly.

Betty beams and looks at Phil, seeing him mirror her expression.

He smiles. "What do you think of Mr. Zach, Castiel?"

Castiel, still hugging Zach tightly, looks at Phil. "I really like him."

Zach's heart swells, as he looks at Betty and Phil.

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