task and action || 4

866 38 34

He did not, infact, give you the short of it.

"So let me get this straight..." you say after about.. oh, an hour. They'd given you a much, much longer recap of the one they gave you the first day they arrived. You sit on the couch, legs crossed and your hands folded in front of your face in a "what the hell" kind of fashion.

The ninja are sitting around the living room; Cole on the ground in front of you, leaning against the TV stand; Jay and Kai sitting on the couch arms to your left and right respectively; and Lloyd and Zane being the only ones to actually sit normally on the couch with you, despite there being two couches (and a smaller chair.. couch? Off to the side) and more than enough room for them.

"...you all had been watching over the Realm Crystal because of how many times people have just, straight up stole it for nefarious reasons, and yet you did such a bad job of it that it got stolen? Again? For, what, the third or fourth time?"

A nod, as well as a guilty look from Kai.

"And the beings that stole it are not only not from your home realm, but are essentially eldritch abominations with power equal to your own? And you don't even know why they stole it?"

Another nod, and a groan from Cole, who says, "It's so frustrating! They just came out of nowhere, we know close to nothing about them!"

You hum, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. "And," you continue, "when you tried to.. get it back, not by any logical, stealthy ways that could have gone infinitely better than this, you resorted to immediately trying to beat the hell out of the creatures?"

Zane winces at the memory of the fight, nodding. "I got thrown into a wall. It.. was not a pleasant feeling."

"I could imagine," you mutter under your breath, and your mind briefly flashes to that weird dream you had the night before you found them. Shaking your head, you lean back, continuing again, "and now, the Realm Crystal is shattered into god knows how many pieces, and you don't know where they are, because this realm is apparently goddamn massive compared to yours, and you need my help finding the shards? Despite me not having a single clue as to what they look like?"

"Well not exactly, see, uh-" Jay speaks up, then leans around Zane and Lloyd to gesture at your bracelet. "-that gem right there is really close in color! So um... just. Look for something like that and we'll tell you if it's the right thing? I guess?"

You turn, giving him the most deadpan look as you physically can. He shrinks back, giving a nervous laugh as he rubs at the back of his neck.

"Anyway," you roll your eyes a little, though it's lighthearted. "These things.. Jay called them "goopy things with teeth" yesterday. How accurate is that?"

Everyone falls silent, each giving a variety of expressions, ranging from disgust, to mild horror, to something that just screams "I don't know what I saw but it sucked."

"I uh.. I'd say very," Kai says, shuddering. "Just be glad you don't have to see them. Looked like something straight out of a nightmare."

You arch an eyebrow up, a morbid curiosity prodding you to ask more. Honestly, you'd probably regret it if you ever got a good visual on these things - if they can scare everyone here, then they're absolutely something that shouldn't be messed with - but come on; curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. And if getting nightmares from seeing these things would be your satisfaction, then so be it.

"Go on.." you press, and just get a grimace in return, as well as Kai shaking his head.

"No thanks," he mutters, leaning back against the couch, leg dangling off the arm of it.

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