working on it || 3

855 45 43

You wake up to the sun on your eyes and the feeling of a soft blanket over you.

For a second, as you push yourself up, you forget where you were. After looking around a little, seeing your living room, and one of your favorite blankets tossed over you - as well as one of your very few plushies, tucked between you and the couch - a thought comes to mind.

Ah. Right.

Those lego ninjas are real, apparently.

And they slept at your house.

You honest to god, truthfully doubt that it actually happened. You probably were just in some 4am haze and decided to sleep on the couch after imagining all of it.


You sorta sit up as much as you can, peeking over the back of the couch to the kitchen. Your living room is right next to it, and there's actually barely any walls separating them, so you see the ninja, clear as day, messing around in the kitchen.

Zane is sitting at the table like a normal person, Jay is sitting on the counter, and Kai is leaning against it next to him. Cole is sorta leaning forward on the table, and you can only see his back. Lloyd is pacing around, gesturing a bit as he talks.

It sounds like they're discussing what they should do - Zane can't connect to much of anything in this realm, so he has close to zero clue as to how it works. They know their money probably wont work here, either, so they can't just.. find a place to stay. They don't even know where they are.

You felt kinda bad for them. No, scratch that, you felt really bad for them. You couldn't imagine what it would feel like to be ripped out of your home realm, tossed into one you know close to nothing about, and not even have a guaranteed way to go home.

Deciding now was the time to at least greet them, you push the blanket off of yourself and go to stand, stretching as you do.

Walking to the kitchen, you catch the attention of everyone except Cole and Lloyd, who are tossing ideas back and forth on ways they could get home.

"Morning," you say once you're close, making Cole jump in surprise and Lloyd stop in his tracks.

"Good morning, [Y/N]," Zane says with a cheerful note to his tone, and Jay waves at you from where he sat on the counter.

You stand sort of... awkwardly next to Cole, shuffling in place.

God, no one's talking, just because you're here now doesn't mean they can't keep talking.

Resisting the urge to grumble in aggravation, you walk to the fridge, plucking down the little magnetic notebook there. It's no bigger than your hand, and never really leaves its place on the fridge unless you need to go out for a lot of stuff.

And, well, you couldn't just let these guys stay out on their own. You didn't mind letting them stay for however long they need. Honestly, you don't think you could live with yourself if you just kicked them to the curb.

Flipping the notebook open to a blank page and pulling the little pen from its rings, you get to writing a spur of the moment shopping list. To be fair, you did need to go grocery shopping soon anyway, so.. two birds with one stone.

You didn't need to write too much - you already had your usual list memorized at this point - so you just jotted down a couple things you'd have to keep in mind. Clothes, extra food (you'd have to ask the boys what they like,) stuff like that. Oh, maybe a new notebook? You have a feeling you'll have to write a lot down if you want to start helping them.

Tearing out the little sheet of paper, you put away the pen and stick the notebook back on the fridge.

"Alright," you say, catching their attention. "I'm going to go shopping later, and you guys can come with me if you want. I'll need your clothing sizes anyway, gonna need to get you something other than what you're wearing."

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