Chapter 15

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It was night and I finally decided to find out what Miles has been up to. We were in his bed just cuddling. I was the little spoon. I rolled over and looked at him. He looked down at me. "What baby?" He said to me. "Nothing." I smiled and looked up at him. I snuggled close to him and nuzzled my face into his neck. He kissed the top of my head and he went to sleep.

Or it seemed like he did. I knew he wasn't he was faking it. And so was I. I was pretending to be asleep. After about 10 minutes he got up and carefully opened the door, making sure to not make a noise and he left and closed the door. Soon after I got up making sure to open and close the door without making a noise.

I heard his footsteps go down the stairs and they made a little noise he made no noise the rest of the way down. I waited for a little at the top of the staircase just in case. Then I walked down.

I'm going to assume that he went around the corner close to the door. He opened it and walked out. I have no idea what he's planning on doing. I soon follow behind him making sure to not get caught.

After a couple of minutes of walking, we made it to the koi pond. I still have no idea why he's here. He's definitely not here for the fish or the scenery.

A couple of minutes go by and I'm about to start walking back to the house but I hear him sniffle and let out a shaky breath. My heart drops. I haven't seen or heard him cry in forever. It always hurts me.

I walk close to him and stand behind him. "Miles?" I say and he very quickly turns around with tears streaming down his face. I immediately crouch down and hold his face. "Are you okay? Why are crying? Are you hurt?" I have a very worried look on my face. He pauses for a second then responds.

"I-," he sniffles while trying to speak "It's okay, I'm not hurt... I was just..thinking about what happened on that night." He stops and I know what he was talking about. The night his parents passed away. "Hey, it's okay. But why are you coming out here every night?" "..." I got no response from that. Either means he hasn't been out here every night or he just doesn't want to talk about it. He looks me in my eyes and beings to cry once again.

A couple of minutes later he calms down and he's about to tell me what he's been up to. "Well... some nights I get hungry and I make a small snack and eat it. Then I come back. Others I'm usually with Flora mostly when it rains. She doesn't want to bother you so she wakes me up and I go read to her to help her sleep through the storm. Some Kate is being a fucking weirdo and walks around the house and stops at our door. Probably listening to see if we're doing anything. Then when I hear she goes away I go yell at her then come back..." He looks at me. "I'm sorry if it seemed like I was cheating on you or something like that." He says. I just smile. "It's okay, I was just worried about you." He smiled at me and pulls me into a hug. God, I love moments like these.

A couple of days go by and Kate is in a panic. She walks around the house like someone always watching her. I don't like her but I kinda feel sorry for her. Wait. Just kidding no I don't. She's just paranoid. Sure this house looks creepy but it's not. It's actually really peaceful. And I really like being over here. I am welcomed and I'm loved here. This is my paradise but to Kate this place is hell. She's acting as she is trapped here for all eternity. She can leave anytime she wants she won't just to prove me though. And she doesn't want to upset Flora but that's different. Flora likes her and she likes Flora. But I don't see how Flora could like her. She's the worst.

I found out Miles has also been scaring her at night and that is also a reason he leaves bed. I'm glad he's been doing that to her. If fun to watch her suffer and it's funny when she walks around like a headless chicken because she just walks around looking everywhere trying to find someone who might be watching her. No one watches her. Not even Quint has a care for her. That's how you know you're ugly. I mean no offense to anyone but if he doesn't like you then your ugly. He's a fucking perv, but then again if he doesn't like you then your safety and I'm jealous of you. He creeps me out but won't go near me when Miles is around. He's scared of Miles and that's funny.

A couple of weeks go by and me and Miles are talking to Flora. We are trying to get her to do something to Kate. Something that might make her leave this place for good. And hopefully, she'll stay gone this time.

"No! I don't wanna do that. What if she leaves? I'll be sad. And Y/n can't take care of me forever." Flora protested. "Flora," Miles paused and sighed and looked over at me with worried eyes and I try to tell him with my eyes to continue and he does. "Flora the whole point Is for her to leave. We promise you that we will find someone else. Please just do it." She pauses for a minute, then she looks down then to me to Miles and back at me and she sighed. "Fine, ill do it. Only because I like Y/n and don't want her to be sad." I looked up at Miles and gave him a cocky smile he just glared at me and stuck his tongue out at me so I did it back. "Okay so here's the plan..."

Yall I am so sorry it had taken so long to get this chapter out and it might seem like it ended it hasn't I promise school has been killing and I'm taking the weekends to spend time with family and friends. And uh I have a girlfriend now. I know yall don't really care but I can't really share this stuff with my family. Once again I'm sorry and forgive me. I'll try my best to get another chapter out as soon as I can.

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