Chapter 10

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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ : it talks about de@th, s3xu@l h@r@ssm3nt (I think that's what it's called) and I'll make sure you know where it is and you can skip if you want I'll make sure you know when you can start reading again

Later that night I woke up around 1 am. Miles had his arms around me. I smiled at that. But I was thirsty. So I slowly moved his arms off of my body and sneaked away to the kitchen.

I opened the cabinet and grabbed a glass. Walked over to the sink and turned on the faucet and watched the water fall out.


Then I heard footsteps from behind me. I remembered that before Miles came back from school the former riding instructor, Peter Quint, would be creepy around me. Creepy like he wanted to sleep with me, he would touch me where I wasn't comfortable but he eventually stopped when Miss Jessel, Floras old governess, came into the picture.

He stopped doing those things to me which I was glad about but I soon found out he had been doing them to Miss Jessel. She didn't deserve that. No one does. But I couldn't do anything to stop him.

But around a month of him doing all that to her she left. She left me. She left Flora. She left us. I miss her she was the best. But I hope she got as far away as she could. Hopefully out of this town and out of harms way.

But I'm mainly happy Quints gone. He was the worst. Thankfully he died a couple weeks ago. He was super drunk fell off of his horse probably snapping his neck and he died. I'm glad. Sure saying I'm glad he's dead is bad but you didn't see what I had to go through. If he ever did anything to Flora. I hope he didn't.

He was a terrible influence on Miles. Quint would take him out to like bars and shit. They would come home drunk and Miles would touch me. I had to sleep with the doors locked whenever they came back home. Before he died he gave a Miles a sweater. It's his favorite but I never wear that one though.

⚠️! THE WARNING IS OVER YOU CAN START FROM RIGHT HERE (sorry for the uppercase I needed y'all to be sure when you could read it again) !⚠️

But after I heard the footsteps i realized it was Miles. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "What are you doing up?" He asked. I could hear the tiredness in his voice. "I could ask you the same question, but I was thirsty so I came in here and got some water." He groaned "I'm awake because I could feel you were gone and I got cold so I came looking for you." I leaned into his resting the back of my head on his shoulder.

I moved my left hand to one side of his face. I looked up at him. Just admiring his face. Looking at all his freckles. God he's so cute. I kissed his cheek. Then he spun me around so I was looking at him. We both looked into each other's eyes. We slowly leaned in for a kiss. Neither of us wanting to pull away but we did so we could breathe. After we pulled away I connected our foreheads. He had his arms around my waist and I had my arms around his neck. This night- we'll technically morning was amazing.

"We should probably go to bed now." He just hummed in response. We walked back to his bedroom and laid down. We cuddled and went to sleep.

In the morning when I woke up Miles was gone. Strange (r Things... sorry let's continue..). He's normally in bed with me until I have to drag him out. Anyways I walk to the bathroom do my business and get out.

Then I walk to the living room. Miles is there with Flora. They're just sitting and playing a hand game. "Why weren't you in bed with me?"  I asked as I sat down next to him. "Flora wanted to play with you but I decided I'd do this with her and let you sleep." "Oh. Thanks." I replied and hopped off the couch and I went into the kitchen and started making breakfast.

I'm making cinnamon rolls (I had that for breakfast lol) for me, Miles and Flora. Well... technically I wasn't making them I was basically just somewhat heating them up. Legit all I did was pulled out a pan, grabbed the roll/can that held the cinnamon rolls, cracked the can and laid them on pan, preheated the oven to around 250°, waited for a bit then put them in the oven and waited for about 15-20 minutes before they were done. Let them cool down then frosted them. And then violá! You have cinnamon rolls.

I grabbed 3 plates. I put 1 1/2 (one and one half) on Flora's plate and 2 each on mine and Miles' plates. I left the 1/2 for Kate if she wanted it. If she didn't oh well someone would eat it later. After we finished I took our plates to the kitchen and left them in the sink.

"What now?" I asked as I walked back over to them. "I don't know. Flora?" Miles said and looked at his little sister. She gasped with excitement "We can have a tea party!!" I giggled at how excited she was. "Yeah okay, and we're dressing up I so wanna see Miles in a sparkly pink dress." I laughed at the mental image I just got.

"Nu uh! I am not wearing a dress! No way!" Miles retorted. I rolled my eyes. "I'll give you a kiss if you do it." "Hmmm? Nope." "How about 2?" "A little higher." "Ugh 3." "Yeah okay fine, but im not gonna enjoy it." "Yay!" Flora yelled.

A couple minutes later I put on a simple dress which I never wear but screw it. I walked out of the room and helped Flora set up for the tea party. This was going to be amazing.

"Y/n!" I hear Miles yell. "I need help!" I laughed. "I'll be right back Flora." "Okay!" She responded and I walked out of her room and into the bathroom in Miles' room. "What's wrong Mi?" "Don't just stand there!" I bursted out laughing "Y/n this is helping God damnit!" "Sorry sorry you just look great and pretty funny."

"Y/n please

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"Y/n please. Do you even see what your wearing? Your look like basic ass bitch in that dress." Then he started laughing. "Rude!" I walk over to him and pull the strings really tight. "Ow! Y/n stop!" He hissed out in pain. "Hee hee bitch." I say and tie the strings on the back of his dress.

"Let's go." I say and start to walk out." "You said you'd kiss me if I put this on." "After the tea party now come on." He pulls me by my waist. I roll my eyes and kiss him once. And I pull away and walk out of the room and drag him along. This day is going to be amazing.

We walk to Floras room and sit down and she burts out laughing. This is going to be one of the best days ever!

(Thanks for reading this! It took me so long to finish and I'm sorry about the wait!!)

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