Chapter 9

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Later that day I was in my room just taking a nap because I was tired. Obviously. Then I was half asleep when I felt the bed dip beside me. I chose to not do anything about it. It was either Miles being soft or Flora being weird. Then I felt arms wrap around my waist. It was Miles.

"Miles? What are you doing?" I ask closing my eyes. "Taking a nap with you." "I can see that but why?" "Because I want to." "Okay whatever. Goodnight I guess." He hummed in response.

Then we fell asleep. But 2 hours later I woke up to him playing with my hair. I turned to face him. I smiled at him and he continued to play with my hair. "You're hair is really soft." I giggled at him. "Thanks." "How dare you laugh at me." He said pretending to be offended. "Now you'll have to suffer the consequence." "Oh no what are you gonna do to me." I say sarcastically. He climbs on top of me and sit on my waist. "Ow! That hurts! Get off me." I say even more sarcastic than before. He raises his hands and I realized what he was going to do.

"Miles, Miles no. Don't do it please. Miles please stop." He then started tickling me and I was laughing but also screaming. "Miles! No stop! I'm sorry!" I tried to move his hands and tried to move him off of me. Then Kate barged in the room. "Ever heard of knocking?" Miles asked as he turned his head to look at her. Kate looked pissed but somewhat relieved. "Miles get off of her!" He demanded but he didn't move. "Miles now. Or else." "Or else what Kate? What are you gonna do?" He looks back down at me.

Then he does something I knew would gross Kate out. He leaned in to kiss me and I kissed back. That definitely grossed her out because she left. But the kiss didn't stop. It shortly turned into a make out (or however tf you'd say it) but nothing more than that. He got off of me shortly after. And back beside me. And we laughed about what just happened.

"She's going to be so pissed at us later." I laughed "I know but it was worth it." He looked at me. Then I looked at him. I smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Then Flora walked into the room. We pulled away instantly. And her hand flew to eyes making her unable to see. "Gross! Kissing is gross! Bleh!" She fake gagged. Miles rolled his eyes. "Flora you can uncover your eyes." She slowly moved her hand. "Did you need something?" "Oh right. Kate said it's time for dinner. Then maybe we can play flashlight tag. Kate promised she would." I looked at Miles. "Uh sure. Yeah we'll play." He said. She got happy and ran out of the room.

I started to get off the bed. But Miles pulled me back down. "Miles come on, dinners ready." He shook his head (saying no for anyone who didn't know). "Milessss we gotta go." "I don't wanna go." "But we have to. I'm hungry." I pulled out of his grasp now standing beside him. "Can I at least get a kiss?" I fake gagged like Flora did. "Ewwww. Kissing is gross. I don't wanna kiss ever." I said while laughing.

He pulled me back down. And started kissing me all over my face. And I started laughing at him. "Okay! Okay! You win. Just one kiss." He stopped and looked at me. And got off me and started leaning in and I did too but I tricked him and got off the bed as fast as I could and bolted out the door. "Y/n! Hey get back here!"I ran into the living room. I hid behind the couch. And tried to be quiet while trying not to burst out laughing. Then I saw Miles run down the stairs.

I laughed and that caught his attention. "AH HA! I found you!" He yelled and pointed at me. Then he started running towards me and I started running and ran into the kitchen where Flora was sitting at the table and Kate was putting the food down. "Can't catch me Miles!"  I yelled as I ran around the table almost bumping into Kate. "Y/n watch it!" Kate said. "Why are you guys running?" Flora asked. "She wouldn't kiss me she ran instead and I'm trying to get a kiss from her!" "But you won't!" "Yes I will!"

Then I ran back into the living room and laid down on the couch. I was catching my breath. Then Miles comes out of nowhere and plops down on top of me. "Haha! I win! I get a kiss." He says and leans down to kiss me but I don't kiss back. "Hey! That's not fair!" He kisses me again. "Y/n! Come one!" "Fineee." He leaned down once more but I still didn't kiss back. He got pissed off by this. "Ugh! Asshole!" "Awwwwe that's a cute nickname." This time I kissed him and he kissed back. "One more." I kissed him again. "Hmm. One more." I kissed him again. "Maybe just one more." I rolled my eyes. "Come on foods ready.

"Took you long enough." Flora said. "Sorry Y/n was being dumb." "Uh rude. I'm right here. Miles was the dumb one." We laughed at that. Then we started eating.

After we ate we all met up in the living room to play flashlight tag. Flora hands Kate the flashlight. "Uh...what are the rules to flashlight tag?" Good lord. "We turn off the lights in the house and you try to find us and if the light hits us we're dead. Got it?" "Yeah I think so." "Okay great." Then me and Miles started walking out of the room. "Call out the state capitals!" Flora said and ran out of the room.

Miles led me up to the attic. It's dusty (bun... sorry let's just continue) up here. Oh well it'll be fine. We looked out a small window. We saw the maze. From up here it looked pretty and not hard to get lost in. But from down there it was intimidating and kinda creepy and you could easily get lost.

About 10 minutes later it got pretty boring. "Mi...I'm thirsty can we stop playing and just go to the kitchen?" "Yeah sure." And we left the attic to go to the kitchen. She got Flora. "How long have you been down here?" I asked. "Uh about 5 minutes. Did she find you guys?" "Nope we got bored." I walk into the kitchen and grab a cup and put water in it and Miles grabbed a snack. "Bro we just had dinner." "I'm a growing man Y/n leave me alone." "Bitch. The fuck? I'm a growing man. Blah blah blah. You sound dumb." "Y/n you look dumb." "Hey!" I slapped his arm "Rude!"

After 15 minutes of sitting and watching Flora play Kate ran into the room and looked petrified. "Woah Kate you okay?" "You!," she pointed at Miles. "You have been terrorizing me since day one!" "Not true he's been with me majority of the time." "Don't think I've forgotten about you Y/n! You been mean to me since I got here. I don't know why but you've been a major bitch towards me! And I'm sick of it." I got so at her but I also felt like I could cry. "Flora can you go to your room please I'll be up there in a minute." I heard Miles say and she left the room.

"I don't know what your problem is but we haven't done anything to you. We've been here for the past 15 minutes just doing nothing." "You've been messing with my brain! You play these little mind manipulation games on me! And I'm tired of it!" She said mainly towards Miles. "You leave him alone! He has done nothing wrong! Your just mad you can't have have anyone." "That's another thing you guys are always together. It's not healthy. Sure you may love each other but this is out of control." "Go ahead try to stop us from being together see what happens." "I'm tired of your attitude Y/n I'm the adult here!" "God I hate you so mu-" I was cut off when I fell to the ground with a sting in my left cheek. I got up and ran into my room and laid on the bed and cried.

A couple seconds later Miles comes in the room and lays next to me. "You okay?" "I guess. My face hurts really bad though." I tried to not cry. "C'mere." I turned over and laid on his chest. "It's gonna be okay." He drew shapes on my back and I fell asleep a couple minutes later.

(Can y'all go check out my Mike Wheeler x fem reader if you dont mind 😅 thanks)

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