Chapter 8

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When I woke up I didn't see Miles so I just assumed he went to his room or the kitchen. So I decided to get up pick out an outfit (A/n : whatever you'd like) and walked into the bathroom. But when I entered I didn't know Miles was in there and I saw him shirtless and a towel wrapped around his waist. I immediately covered my eyes. "Holy shit Miles I'm sorry! I had no idea you were in here. Im so sorry!" And I walked out and closed the door behind me.

About 5 minutes later he walks out and he's dressed. "Once again I'm sorry so Miles I just didn't think you'd be in the bathroom." He chuckled "It's okay Y/n you can stop apologizing it's fine." I looked at him "Okay I'm so-" I cut myself off because he told me to stop saying sorry.

So I stood up and walked back into the shower turned it on and waited about 3 minutes and then got in.

       .~* 𝖠𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 45 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗎𝗍𝖾𝗌 𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗋 *~.

I got out of the shower and got dressed then walked downstairs and saw Kate making breakfast. So I went over to her and saw what she was making "Gross. Where'd you learn to cook? Prison? Because this looks like prison food." I said as I sat on the counter next to where she was cooking.

She sighed and turned to me "Get off the counter Y/n, I'm trying to cook." She looks at me but I don't move "Or what? You won't feed me any of that amazing breakfast you have there?" I let out a small laugh

"Okay since you're so cocky why don't you make breakfast?" I hopped off the counter "Gladly" I threw away whatever she was making. I tried grabbed a recipe book from one of the cabinets but I couldn't reach. I sighed and climbed onto the counter and got it down.

"Okay so I'm gonna make y/f/b (your favorite breakfast)" I said to myself and I walked around the kitchen to find all the stuff I needed wether it was a pot, a pan, the ingredients or just whatever I could find.

After about 10 minutes of me cooking I felt arms go around my waist and I knew it was Miles. Mainly because Kate wouldn't do that and Flora is to little and her arms probably couldn't wrap around my waist.

"Hey Miles." I laughed as he watched me cook "Hey watcha making? It smells great" he was still holding me "I'm making y/f/b" "Mmm sounds great" he let go of my waist and sat on the counter and Kate walked by. "Miles off the counter!" Kate yelled I rolled my eyes "It's my damn house I'll sit where I want too!" He yelled back "Watch your language Floras down here." I laughed at that. "Sorry Flora." "It okay!"

After 15 more minutes it was ready. I put the food on our plates. "Hey can you help me carry these plates? This one is yours and this is Floras." I say as I handed him the plates and he walked off and I followed with mine and Kates plates. "Thank you." "No problem." I walked into the living room where Flora and Kate were playing hand games "Breakfast is ready." Flora shot right up off the couch "Yay! Breakfast i was starving. Thanks Y/n you're the best!" I smiled at her "Your welcome."

After everyone finished I took their plates to the sink and started cleaning them when Kate came up behind me "Hey?" "I just came over here to say that I liked the food and thank you for it." "You're welcome Kate." "Oh and stay away from Miles. He isn't good for you he'll hurt you." I stopped what I was doing and just looked at her. "You know Kate you know absolutely nothing about him so you don't can't say that. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me. You'd never understand how I feel about him. He makes me happy and I like him and I-... wait... You like him don't you?" I just started at her "Y/n no I don-" I cut her off "You do don't you?! That's so fucking gross! You are in you mid to late 20's and he's a fucking 16 year old boy Kate. Do you realize how fucked up that is? You are so damn lucky the only reason I'm letting you stay is because Flora needs someone to teach her." I started walking out leaving the dishes in the sink.

"Y/n wait! Let me fini-" "No Kate! Just stop you're going to ruin everything and it'll be your fault! Just wait and see what happens if you mess up something with me and Miles. Your life will be miserable even more than it is right now." I started walking to my room when I heard clapping behind me and I jumped. But I realized it was miles. Shit how much did he hear? "H-hey Miles strange seeing you hear. So uh how much of that did you hear? Hehe..." he walked closer to me "All of it" he smirked at me "Hey Miles I uh I-" he cut me off by kissing me and I kissed back after a little I was just surprised by this. He pulled away. " I like you too" he blurted out.

A/n: I am so so so so so very sorry it has taken so long to get this chapter out I've been busy and my last day of school is next Thursday so I've been busy with school work I'll try to get more out I swear!!

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