Chapter 11

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So so sorry for keeping y'all waiting I forgot I had books 😭 IM SORRY... anyway let's continue.

Miles sat down in front of Flora and beside me. She had everything set up. She laid out a small red and white plaid blanket laid on the floor and a white porcelain tea set that had little red roses on it. It was cute.

After she calmed down from laughing we got started with the tea party.

She placed a cup in front of me then one in front of Miles. Then she handed me the tea pot. "Will you pour the tea please Y/n? I might spill it." "Yeah sure. But is this actual tea?" I asked as I poured some out for her. "Yeah! Kate made it." Wow wonder if it'll taste good. I then poured some for me and some for Miles.

Miles went to grab his cup and he started to drink it. I slightly hit his arm and he spilled some onto his dress. "What the hell Y/n!" "You didn't have your pinkie out. And don't swear in front of her! She doesn't need to be saying that stuff!" "Oh right shit sorry! Fuck! Shit sorry! I keeping say it." Good lord this boy was a lost cause. "Flora please don't go around saying those words." She looked at me. "Why? If you and Miles say them why can't I?" "Only big kids and adults can okay? Maybe when you get older you can. Also please don't say them around Kate she'll kill us."

She looked at me confused. "But you and Miles said 'fuck' that one time in the car." "Flora! You can't say that!" "Right...Sorry." She looked down and started fiddling with her fingers. "Hey it's okay. Why don't we go get the horses and ride for a bit?" "Okay.." she looked like a puppy that just got kicked and I felt bad. I stood up. "C'mere." I said and she got up and hugged me we stayed like that for a minute or so.

Then I felt Miles tug on my dress from below me. "What?" I ask. He just looks at Flora. "Can you not steal my girlfriend." He pulled me closer to him by my legs. "You see her all day!" Flora said and pulled me toward her. Wow this'll be fun. Miles stood up and grabbed my arm and Flora grabbed my other. "Let her go Miles!" Flora yelled. "No you let her go!" "She's mine!" They both yelled. And Miles yanked me a little too hard. He fell to the ground and I landed on top of him and Flora got thrown back and hit her head on the floor.

Oh god. I could hear her sniffing. I look down at Miles. "Asshole! You made her fall she's now hurt!" I say and get off him. I walk over to Flora. She has tears streaming down her face. And then Miles came sprinting over. "Oh my god! Flora I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to!" "I-I-it's o-okay I forgive you." She says while trying to stop crying. I hug her and she hugs back. "You're gonna be okay." I tell her and kiss her forehead.

"I gotta go get this weirdo cleaned up before we go do anything else. Okay?" "Okay." She replied and gave me another hug.

"C'mon weirdo let's go." I say and Miles and I leave her room and walk into his. "Well that was weird." I say as I let out a small sigh. "Yeah." Miles says as he walks to his closet to grab some clothes to change into. I walk over to him and look in the closet as well. He pulls me in fronted him and he places his arms around my waist and puts his face in the crook of my neck. We started swaying from side to side.

"Miles." "Hm?" "What are you doing?" "Nothing. Just standing here with my princess." (THIS IS SO FUCKING CRINGY IM SORRY 😭) "Is that all your doing?" "Hm...maybe." I reach my hand out and grab one of his sweaters. "Baby." "Yeah?" "What are you doing?" "Grabbing a sweater to change into."

I turn to face him. "C'mon Mi we need to change." He looks into my eyes and I look into his. We both lean in to kiss. But before we could do anything of course Kate barges into the room. "Uh.. What are y'all doing?!" She yells at us. "Uh kissing?" I replied. "Do you know how to knock or do you just always walk into a room and act like you the own the damn place?" Miles asks and looks at her. She can't find the right words to say. We stand there for a few seconds and an awkward silence fills the room. "Just stop whatever you were going to do and change got it?" "Uh huh got it." Miles replies and leans in for another kiss. Kate leaves the room.

I pull away from the kiss and start laughing. "What?" He looks at me. "I can barely take you serious with that dress on." "Wow you're so amazing Y/n." "I know right. C'mon  let's actually change out of these clothes.

I grab the sweater and take off my shirt facing away from Miles and i felt him staring at me. "Take a picture it'll last longer." I saw as I slip the sweater over my head. I walk over to the door and start to leave but before I close the door I say "Please actually change clothes don't stay in here and do whatever, you still gotta make up with your sister. And I swear if you keep the thought of me in my bra in your mind I will murder you." And I walk out the room and close the door.

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