Chapter 12

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Something has been up with Miles lately. Especially at night. I mean like we're together all day but at night when he thinks I'm asleep he gets up and leaves. He doesn't go to the bathroom he leaves the room. And I know he doesn't go to the bathroom because he has one in his room and I wait for a couple minutes and nothing happens. I'm not sure how long he's gone or even where he goes. Maybe be gets hungry and just hangs out in the kitchen. Maybe he goes and rides Samson for a little while. But I'd just like to know where he goes every night.

Later that day

I was in the kitchen cleaning dishes when I hear someone come in through the front door. I just assume it's Flora coming in from seeing the koi pond or playing with her dolls. But when I feel arms wrap around my waist I know it's Miles.

"Hey Mi." "Hey baby." (why is writing that cringy for me 😭). "What are you doing?" He asks me. "Three guesses." I say and stop washing the dishes. "Yeah okay. Wanna go do something?" "Like what?" I ask and turn around to face him. "We could go find Flora and go see the koi's?" He suggested. "Sure let me just finish washing the dishes first." "Here let me help, you wash and I'll rinse." "Wow uh okay. I've never really had help before." I say and go back to washing them.

As I go to hand him a plate he throws water on me. "What the hell Miles!" He starts laughing and I grab a cup fill it with a little water and throw it on him. He gasps dramatically. Then he goes to get more water. And it just turns into a water fight.

By the end of the fight water was everywhere and we were laughing our asses off. "Sorry, here I'll help you clean this up." Miles said while still laughing. He goes to grab us towels and we clean up the water.

After we get the water up I take the towels where we put our laundry. I'll just get Kate to do those later.

I walk to the kitchen and we finished the dishes     and I walk up to Floras room. "Hey Flora." "Hey Y/n/n!" She seemed happy to see me. "Wanna go with me and Miles down to see the koi's?" "Yes!" She springs right up from the floor. "As long as you and Miles don't kiss it'll be fun!" "But what's if we wanna kiss?" I ask her. She scrunches her face "Just don't. It's gross." I giggle at her face. "Do you have any dirty clothes?" I ask before I walk out the door. She walks over and picks up a few things and hands me some of her clothes. "Thank you ma'am." I did a little bow. She did one back. "Anything for you Lady Y/n." We both laughed a little bit. "Be ready in about 7 minutes okay?" She just nodded.

I walk out her room and into Miles'. Well technically now it's both of ours. I felt safer in here after everything that happened with Quint a couple months ago so I just moved everything of mine in here. And I go to pick up the clothes on the floor. Miles legit just leaves his clothes laying everywhere. You could walk into the fucking living room and find a pair of socks just laying there.

After I get the three of our clothes into the wash room I walk back up the stairs and make my way towards Kates room.

I knock on the door. No response. I knock again. Welp since she just waltzes into mine and Miles' room might as well just barge into hers. But by the time I figure out what I'm going to do she opens the damn door. Damn it.

"What do you want Y/n?" She asks with a little anger in her voice. "Wow you seem so happy to see me Kate." She groaned. "Seriously what do you want." Now instead of anger it's annoyance. "You need to go wash the clothes." I start walking away but I here her say something. "Why don't you do just do it? You seem to do everything else in this house." I turn around to face her. "Exactly Kate, I cook most of the time because you can't cook for shit, I clean the dishes because it's calming for me, and I'm mainly the one who watches Flora. You need to be teaching her and you need to take more responsibility around here. So go wash the clothes." I turn and walk away.

I go meet Miles and Flora who are both standing around the stairs. Well Flora is running away from Miles who is trying to tickle her and she's just running around the stairs either going up then back down or running around the stair case.

"You guys ready?" I ask as I walk down the final steps. "Yep!" I hear Flora said excitedly. "Also no kissing! Miles you can't kiss Y/n, and Y/n you can't kiss Miles. Got it?" She says sassily "Yep we got it." He replied. "Good now let's go!" She ran out the door.

He turns to me. "Before we walk out the door can I get one kiss." He asks. I roll my eyes and give him a quick kiss. "C'mon we can't keep her waiting." We walk out the door and start catching up to Flora isn't pretty far ahead of up, pretty sure she waited on us.

As we reach the koi pond Flora instantly runs over and looks at them and starts talking to them.

And I remember a couple of days ago when Miles had asked me to be his girlfriend at this exact spot. It was beautiful. It will be a moment I will never forget.

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