"Okay, I get it. Thanks, Gon." Pouf said with an annoyed expression. He looked over and only then did he notice Killua standing there, awkwardly looking around the place. "Who's this? You snagged you someone, Gon?"

"Sorta. He's my entertainer~" Gon bragged.

"So, how much do you pay him-"

"Nothing, because he's not a fucking prostitute, Pouf. He's just a very close friend of mine. One who's living with me now."

"Oh, I see. Well, it's nice to meet you..."

"Killua." Killua said, a small smile forming on his face. Rephrase that, a forced small smile.

"Well, nice to meet you, Killua. I'm Shaiapouf, but you can call me Pouf for short."

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. Now, can we go in or what?"

"Oh yes, go ahead. It was nice seeing you again, Gon. Nice meeting you, Killua."

"Same for you, Pouf. Hope you and Pitou continue to stay strong. Good luck," Gon replied as he held the door open for Killua to walk in and find a table for them to sit at.

Gon followed right behind him, taking in his surroundings yet again. He loved this place and he wanted Killua to love it too.

"Hi there, I'm Ponzu. I'll be your waitress today, so what can I start you off with? Anything to drink? An appetizer?"

"I'll have a water. Killua, you want anything for an appetizer?"

"Uh, yeah I'll have the nacho fries and I'll have a strawberry Fanta to drink, thank you."

"Okay, I'll right back with those!"

An older lady with blond hair walked onto the stage. To Killua, she looked like a child, but he could only assume she was an adult since she was allowed to be here. As far as Killua could tell, this place was for people 21 and older.

"Good evening, everyone. We will now be starting our poem night. Thank you for coming. First up, we have, 'Someone to Love,' by Nezuko Kamado."

The audience began to applaud for the brown haired girl walking onto the stage. She was honestly a very beautiful girl, looking around, Killua saw all the men making goo goo eyes at her. He thought it was creepy. They looked they wanted to eat her up. Ew.

"Love is an emotion that we all know too well.
Sometimes it's like paradise, other times it's hell.
Things will fall apart, some things trapped in a shell
Love is something that can be achieved naturally
Other times it may take a spell."

"I thought I found love one time.
A true love, with someone I would love forever.
But the brightness began to no longer shine.
I realized that the love I had was easy to sever."

"I don't want love anymore, it's worthless to me.
I'd rather drown myself in the deep, blue sea.
I'd rather be lonely forever, at least I'd be free.
I'd rather it just always be my brother and me."

"With that being said, there's no one I want.
I have no one, I don't have that someone to love.
Thank you."

The audience snapped for the girl's poem. Her brother came to the stage and hugged her tightly. As if it'd be the last time he'd be able to. It was adorable. Even to Killua, someone who didn't really care for romantic and sappy stuff like that.

"Did you like it?" Gon asked, taking a sip of his drink that was brought to him during Nezuko's performance.

"Yeah, it was great. I like how she expressed a timeline in a way. It was perfect. Brilliant even."

"Wow, I didn't know you were such a poem freak."

"I'm not that type of freak." Killua said with a wink, tossing a fry into his mouth.

Gon chuckled at the statement, nodding his head in agreement, "Yeah, trust me. I know."

"Next to the stage is Nezuko's brother. Tanjiro Kamado. He will be performing a masterpiece titled, 'If I die.' Give it up everyone."

Again, the audience snapped as the brown haired man trotted to the stage.

"If I were to die, I wouldn't really mind.
Especially since I harm myself all the freaking time.
Especially since I had no one there when I cried.
Especially since I saw my family's faces when they died."

"If I die, don't cry for me. Don't let out fake tears.
Because I know sometimes you wished I wasn't here
Because I knew that one day, I'd face my fears
Especially since I'm not afraid to die right here."

"If I die, just carry on.
Live in my legacy and be strong.
Keep writing poems, keep treating them like songs.
Because there's nothing you can do, since I'm already gone."

"Thank you."

Everyone snapped again at the words spoken. Some people even decided to ask if he was okay, just to make sure he wasn't suicidal or anything. But he assured them that it was just a poem and that everything was okay.

"Here you go gentlemen. Here are your orders. Enjoy." The waitress from earlier said as she set the plates down in front of them.

They both thanked her. Gon was about to dig into his food until he heard his name come from the child
like lady on stage.

"Next up, we have a very special guest. Someone whose poems have inspired most of the other poets to write the poems they performed tonight. Everyone give it up, for Gon Freecss."

The audience couldn't help but cheer for their favorite poet. Killua looked up at Gon with a curious face. He never would've guessed that Gon was a poet. He thought it was sexy. He mentally added it to his list of things he loved about Gon.

"Hi again, everyone. As you may know, I'm Gon Freecss and for those who may not know, well, my name is Gon Freecss."

The audience giggled and laughed at the words that just came from Gon's mouth. Even Killua let out a small chuckle.

"The poem I will be performing will be called, 'Control.' I hope you all enjoy it."

"Control, there are many different types.
Control for yourself, control for your mind.
Control for your friends, control for the time.
Control for the brain, control for the eyes."

"Self control. Something most of us lack.
Mind control, our entirety of thoughts go black.
Friend control, when they do bad, give them a smack
Time control, getting time we'd always want back."

"Brain control, keeping things on track.
Eye control, seeing something and admiring that."

As Gon said this line, he looked deeply into Killua's eyes, who was staring back at him.

"Brain control, it can bring bad memories back,
Brain control is the worst, why even have that?"

"Control. Who is in it?
Meaning who has ownership?
Who's brain is composed of it?
Who's starting to grow old from it?"

"Control. Keeping my demons on lock.
Keeping my true feeling within, keeping them in a safe spot.
Protecting them from lightning, from the unbearable shock.
Control. It keeps everything on track, but it's making me rot.

Gon bowed and walked off the stage slowly. He honestly wasn't really sure about performing that dumb poem. He felt like none of it made sense. Like something was off. But he just couldn't put his finger on it.

But everyone seemed to love it, they snapped as loudly as the could. But why they did it, well to Gon that was misunderstood. He couldn't really tell if the poem was bad or good. But he let out the insecurities of it, like he felt he should.

"So, when were you gonna tell me you were a poet?" Killua asked as Gon sat down at the table.

"Didn't really plan on telling you at all. But that's the reason I brought you here, so you could hear some things that keep me calm. So you could hear some works of art."

"Hm, I see. By the way, the poem was really good."


Killua looked at Gon wit a raised eyebrow. Did Gon not like it own poem? Killua couldn't fathom why he wouldn't.

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