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Marion walks into the small café looking around for Ben's face. There are only a few customers and in the background some quiet jazz music is playing. The café just screams jazz and Mari wonders why she didn't know about this place. She adores jazz clubs.

When Ben spots her, he can't help but admire her for a few seconds. She's totally in awe with her surroundings. Ben had a feeling she would like this.

"Hey Mari, great to see you!" He greets her, while standing up.

"Hello Benjamin," she smiles. "This is such a lovely place. Didn't know you were into jazz."

Ben smiled back. "Well I'm actually learning to play the piano, my teacher recommended this place."

"That's nice, I can't play any instrument. I once started guitar lessons, but that was a total waste of time. I really sucked at it," Mari laughs.

"Maybe I'll learn you how to play the piano, once I'm a pro at it," He grins cheekily.

Marion smiles shyly but doesn't make any promises. She isn't planning to see him again after tonight.
Well he'll definitly walk away once she tells him about her pregnancy.

"Is everything alright Mari?" Ben asks worried after seeing her expression change.

She looks up again, looking into his bright blue eyes. "Yeah it's fine, I was just thinking about how I'd like to order something to drink," she says while glancing at Ben's pint. She just stalling the moment when she's going to tell him.

"Oh right, sorry I forgot," Ben excuses himself and calls the waiter.

Marion orders a glass of water. "Damn that's healthy," Ben laughs.

"Well I'm a nutritionist after all," she answers. "Are you actually allowed to drink that?"

"One doesn't hurt," he says while taking a sip of the pint.

They keep the conversation going for a long time, until Ben takes a look at his phone.

"I'm sorry but I've an early training session tomorrow," he says.

"That's okay, I understand," Marion answers.

"I really had a great time Mari. I hope you did too, because I want to see you again," Ben smiles making his eyes light up.

Mari looks down at her hands. She can no longer avoid the fact that she has to turn him down. She knows know it's going to be a hard pill to swallow, because she really enjoyed her time with Ben. She did both times.

"I'm sorry Ben, but I can't do this," she says. "I think we both want different things at the moment."

"The only thing I want right now is you," Mari can clearly hear the hurt in his voice. "What do I have to do to change your mind? Because I don't see myself dating anyone else but you."

"I'm pregnant Ben," she whispers. "Do you see yourself dating me while I'm pregnant?"

"You're what? Is it mine?" he asks shocked.

Marion had mentally prepared for this question and knew exactly what to answer. "No it's not yours. I went through an ivf procedure two weeks before I met you," she lies.

Ben's searching hard for the right words to say, but the truth is he doesn't know what to say to this. When she turned him down, he clearly didn't think this could be the reason behind it all.

"You now know why I think this isn't going to work. You're only 24 years old and at the beginning of your career. I don't think a baby suits in your plans," she continues.

"You don't know that, maybe I'm ready to be a father," he says while taking her hands in his.

"You're not thinking straight Ben. Give it a few days and then you'll be happy that I gave you an easy way out," she takes her hands back and gets up. "Goodbye Benjamin." And of she goes without looking back.


Sof 😇

I told him...

You told who? 🤔

I saw Ben today and told him I'm pregnant

I thought you weren't going to tell him

Yeah, I didn't tell him he's the father tho
I thought telling him would make him stay away
So I can forget about him

How did he react?

I left before he could say anything

Are you sure that was the right thing to do?

Idk but we'll see

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