3x17-Didn't We Almost Have it All?

Start from the beginning


"Okay. Listen up." Announced Bailey, glancing other interns, "Uh, Hawthorne, you're with Shepherd and Sloan. Stevens, O'Malley, you're with Burke. Karev, Addison. Go. Grey...you are with the chief's wife."

Hearing that Adele was in the hospital, Charlie looked at her resident worriedly, "What's wrong with Adele? And why aren't assigned to her?"

Miranda sighed, "She's pregnant. Yes, pregnant. And she's your godmother, that counts as family in my book, so you can't be assigned to her. You know the rules, Charlie."

The blonde shook her head worriedly,  but before she could argue further, Meredith placed a tender hand on her shoulder, "I'll take care of her, I promise. And if she allows it, I'll keep you updated."

She nodded sadly, as Cris piped up in confusion, "Who am I on?"

The resident looked at her in confusion, "Uh, I didn't page you. Go home. Get some sleep."

"Yeah, but I'm here already, so..."

"You're getting married in less than 12 hours."

Charlie chuckled, patting her person on the shoulder jokingly as she left to find her attendings, "Good luck Cris. I'm pretty sure you're going home in five minutes max."


Later, she stood beside Derek in Lonnie's, the guy with an axe through his head, OR.

Glancing down at the poor man, she whistled between her teeth, "Not exactly something you see everyday, is it? An axe through a skull."

"Should be interesting to observe at least, since you're specialising in Neuro once your results come out, right?" Joked the attending, as he moved around the patient.

Charlie chuckled, "I told you Derek. You'll find out along with everyone else. Stop pushing for a confirmation."

"Sure, sure..." he mumbled lowly, before adding, "But you are choosing Neuro right? Because it would be criminal to let your talent go to waste."

"Derek!" She laughed, "the same could be argued regarding PEDS or Neo-natal. Stop pushing, and let's focus on the axe man here."

The surgeon laughed, before glancing down, "Okay, drill, please."

The nurse handed him the object, an he began driving small burr holes around the axe, in order to facilitate its removal.

Once finished, the girl questioned, "We pull it out now, right?"

"Hmm," he agreed, "but the axe went in as they fell, so there will be some tearing, it should be a shallow wound, and it should come out easily. You ready?"

The group all agreed, and he slowly began counting down, "All right everybody. Here we go. Ready? Okay, one, two...three." The axe, however, stayed exactly in place. Derek frowned behind his visor, before trying again, "That's strange. One...two...Three! That's a clean cut."

Looking down at the wound, Charlie bit her lip, "It's clean. No tearing whatsoever."

"Yep." Muttered the surgeon.

As both made eye contact, the blonde whispered to him, "That means the axe didn't get there by accident. It couldn't have."

"Exactly," agreed the man stoically.


She and Meredith stood beside each other, charting. At a nurses' station, when Cris' voice came from behind them.

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