Chapter three: The Kingdom of Atlas

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(Just so you know, Gaster is an adult by the time he met the others, he's twenty, Ruby is twelve and Yang is fourteen.)

Many years had passed since Gaster was taken in by the tribe and had awakened his Semblance, in that time he had bonded with them even more, though Raven and Vernal were the two people he cared for the most.

He also met Ravens family, her twin brother Qrow who he found out was quite the drinker, her husband Taiyang Xiao Long or Tai as they called him, her best friend Summer Rose who was also married to Taiyang, aswell as Raven and Summers daughters, Ruby Rose looked like a carbon copy of her mother, while Yang looked like Raven but had Taiyang's hair and eyebrow colour, with her eyes being lilac.

She was also quite the comedian, along side Taiyang, she and Gaster made a lot of jokes together, often at the expense of the others.

Gaster and the others discovered that he was quite intelligent, even for a twenty year old, for that reason he decided to become a scientist for the Kingdom of Atlas before becoming a Huntsman.

He also discovered that the black liquid he found all those years ago was a somewhat sentient substance that called itself HATE through conversing with it in secret.

He also discovered that it's power was directly tied to the users SOUL, and could be amplified by the users own negative emotions, aswell as granting the user regeneration, though the extent of the regeneration depends on the amount of HATE on the users SOUL.

He also found out through conversing with it, that it was essentially immortal, due to the fact that HATE can never truly be destroyed, and that it's one goal in existence was to destroy everything, he was of course initially shocked by this information, but the HATE told him that even though HATE in an of itself was a purely evil substance, that there were different types of HATE, and that it itself didn't seek the destruction of everything.

This was due to the HATE reading Gaster's memories, he was somewhat calmed by this news, but still a little uneasy.

The HATE reassured Gaster that it only seeked the destruction of that which Gaster despised the most.

Currently, Gaster was on a Bullhead heading to Atlas, he was snapped out of his train of thought as he felt the airship begin to land.

The HATE, which Gaster had named Shadow, spoke to him telepathically.

Shadow: "(I wonder what Atlas will be like, from what we got from Ozpin, Beacons headmaster, Atlas Academy is very different from the other Huntsman Academy's across Remanent, I wonder what this Academy's headmaster and general of the kingdoms military will be like.)"

Gaster: "(As do I, let's just see how things go from here)"

As Gaster exited the air ship, he was greeted by an astonishing view of Atlas Academy.

As Gaster exited the air ship, he was greeted by an astonishing view of Atlas Academy

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