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~𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕻𝕺𝖁~

Hannah and I walk through the door to the Kanto branch. I go to my room and look over the applications that I didn't get finished last night there are several that seem really good, others could be better, and others are too good to be true. I decide to dig my phone out of my bag and text Light.

Sweet Lips: I'm here in Kanto.

Light: Sweet
Light: and if you don't mind my asking why?

Sweet Lips: Because I was feeling home sick and I wanted to visit my mother.

Light: ah ok

Sweet Lips: Anyways how has your family been???

Light: Dad collapsed of a stress induced heart attack and my mother and I have been spending a lot of time in the hospital.
Light: I'm there now

Sweet Lips: oh shit
Sweet Lips: I'll be there at the hospital in as fast a I can get there

I cram my phone in my bag and run out the door.

"Where are you going boss?" Hannah asks.

"Light's dad had a heart attack."

"Was it Kira?"

"No it was stress induced. But if it was Kira I would kill him where he stood the next time I saw him." I say.

"Oh, ok. Be safe boss." Hannah says.

"I will." I say. I catch a cab to the hospital and when I get there I rush in.

"How can I help you?" the person at the front desk asks.

"I'm here to visit Soichiro Yagami." I say.

"Alright his room number is 26."

"Thank you." I say bowing. I make my way to the room and knock on the door to see L.

"(y/n), come in." he says. I walk in and see a very pale Mr.Yagami, "How are you doing Mr.Yagami?"

"I'm doing alright." He says, "Just stressed."

"I should get going, I have a project due on Monday." L says.

Yea fuckin right, you're goin to do something that has to do with the Kira/Mafia case.

"Alright, see you then." Light says.

"Bye." I say as Mrs.Yagami walks in.

"(y/n) it's good to see you." she says.

"It's good to see you too." I say. We sit there for about an hour until the nurse comes in saying that visiting hours are over. Ryuk, Light, and I walk back to the Kanto building as we catch up.

"How did your meeting with L go yesterday?" Light asks.

"It went well I was able to dodge his questions and as far as could tell I have not been put under suspicion for being the Mafia boss or the current Kira." I say.

I bet I could out smart L if I was ever given the chance...

I remember saying those words only a four months ago and I'm living up to them. I get an amazing feeling in my chest and I smile.

Out smarting the world's greatest detective feels so good.

"You look pleased." Light says.

"I am... I was able to out smart the world's greatest detective... and he didn't even notice." I say with a slight laugh that has no ounce of sanity in it. Light smiles.

"Well that's what you get when you've been doing this for years." he says.

"Yep." I say. Light checks his watch.

"It's getting late, I'll see you later (y/n)." he says.

"Alright, goodnight Light." I say. He leaves and I go to my office where I Hannah comes in with her normal report of drug money gained and spent, successful hit missions, how many got arrested and I was told that Tateru bought a branch in Minato Ward in the Aoyama neighborhood. "We just got settled into Tokyo."

"Well when Tateru bought the building it was in some desperate need of repairs in multiple areas ranging from walls, pluming, and even electric work. They told me that it would at least be next week before they even get to furnishing." Hannah says.

"Oh ok." I say relieved. Now that we're buying new buildings I would like to be there as soon as possible to see what needs to be changed to increase flow. "At least that will let us get the bugs sorted out in Tokyo and let us get settled in as well."

"Yes I think that's why Tateru delayed sending in the report. Apparently they've been working on the repairs for the past month." Hannah says.

"Well if repairs were going to last that long, then find a different building." I say. I mean I'm not picky but damn.

"Tateru said that the building was once a bar that got shut down and then it became a crack house and a place for small time criminals to go and hideout."

"Oh, ok. Well now those small time criminals are probably dead because of Kira." I say.

"I bet. Also did you ever find out if Light is Kira or not?" Hannah asks. I mentally freeze at the question, I would be lying if I told her I didn't know.

"Yes, Light is Kira." I say in a hushed tone, "But you must not tell anyone. I've also met L and he's a strange one, but hasn't picked up my scent of being the mafia boss."

"You've always said you could out smart them if you given the chance."

"And I did." I say, "I'm currently acting as Kira, Light doesn't know how to play the game as well as me so he's under suspicion."

"How does Kira do it? How do they kill?" Hannah asks.

"With a notebook. You write the person's name and then 40 seconds later they die of a heart attack, that's how I've killed some of our big enemies."

"Ohh. Fun, I hear that there's another Kira who doesn't abide by Kira's ideology and they kill innocent people like news broadcasters."

"Well, let's find them.... In the morning, it's late and I'm tired." I say as I get up.

"Alright boss. Sleep well."

"Thanks Lemon." I say. We both smile as we head to our rooms, mine is connected to my office via the back left hand door. It's decorated in a similar was as my room in Tokyo is, when ever I would sleep here, it would be to get away from my father... who is now dead. I plan to visit my mother tomorrow since it is a weekend and she'll be off of work. I sing into the (f/c) sheets and give into sleep.

It feels so good to be home.


ok so to clear up any confusion about dates. no these are not random dates they follow the manga time line on the wiki page so I though that would be a cool little detail to throw in.

BYE <3

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