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~𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕻𝕺𝖁~

It's the 15th and I get to To-Oh's cafe early like 30 minuets early to make sure my hit man knows what he's supposed to do.

"Yes boss. Do not engage unless it is obvious you need it."

"And do. Not. Kill. Him." I say.

"Understood." he says as he goes to his station. I sit at a table facing the door and set up my laptop and notes. The waiter comes by.

"What can I get you today?" they ask.

"I have another friend coming in about 15 minuets, I just wanted to snag a table in case it got crowded."

"Understood." the waiter says as they leave with a bow. I boot up the laptop and it opens to my Mafia spread sheet of who is where, who is doing what, what building is the most populated, and a whole bunch of business stuff. I look over it an check with the people who were on business in other countries and I check the time. I close the tab and turn my phone off. I open up my coding software along with my online text book and then I get my note book as I see L walk in. I wave him down and he sits in the chair across from me.

"Hello (y/n)." he says blankly.

"Hi, how are you today?" I ask.

"Doing well, how about you?"

"I'm good thank you." I say as the waiter comes by again.

"Alright what can I get you two?"

"I'll have (beverage of ur choice)" you say.

"And I'll have a vanilla chai tea with sugar and a chocolate muffin." L says. The waiter writes that down and walks away. "Alright so tell me what you have so far."

"I have some character models here." I say as I pull out my sketchbook, "My only problem is, is that I have no idea how to insert the models into my game."

"Hmm... ok this is what you do." L says. He shows me how I upload the models and animate their movements. I write down all the code that he's shown me as I drink my beverage. The purpose of the meeting was met but we still had some of our drinks left so we carried on with casual conversation. "You don't have to answer this, but what do you think about Kira?"

This is it. This is the test.

"I think that on the surface of what he's doing is a good thing, but when you dig deeper I think it's someone on a power trip and is using the power that they have to hold the world hostage." I say mentally kicking myself for using masculine pronouns. That may narrow down L's search to Light.

"Alright, what about the mafia?"

"The Quick Sliver?" I ask.

"Yes." he says. I think.. how would I view the mafia if it wasn't my pride and joy?

"I honestly don't know. They haven't done anything that involves anyone near me so I think that if they mind their business and keep doing drug deals then I really don't care... although I am curious as to who the boss is." I say.

"Do you have a lead as to who the boss is? I'm trying to tackle the Kira case and the Mafia case at the same time because I think that they're related some how."

Oh this will interesting to hear.

"Why do you think that they're related?" I ask.

"5 years ago the mafia appeared with small crimes of murder, robbery, and small drug deals with no evidence left behind, not even their face was shown. Over these 5 years this someone, who I believe to be a student at least a 3rd year in high school, has been at the head of this group mainly focused in the Kanto region-"

"Which is where Kira appeared." I finish.

"Exactly. So what if the mafia boss set up the mafia and built it up and now Kira is working with the mafia because before he was killing the mafia members, like the hit men, and now none of them are dying."

"Hmm I can see how the two would be related." I say. Damn this is a problem and with Light under suspicion for being Kira and all the time we spend together, I'll be put under suspicion for being the mafia boss...

"There is a 7% chance that Light is Kira and there is a 10% chance that you are the Mafia boss." he says.

Ok so at least he doesn't suspect me too much. I can get out of this.

I down the rest of my drink and wrap up this meeting. I go to the Tokyo building. I walk in and go to my office where Hannah is waiting to give a report.

"Alex has received a several applications, they're on the desk." she says. I look to see a big stack of papers.

"Alright, thankfully tomorrow I don't have any classes." I say Hannah starts to leave, "Hannah."

"Yes boss?"

"Lets go home tomorrow." I say looking at her. I was missing the Kanto branch and I wanted to visit my mother.

I may be a cold blooded serial killer, but I'm still human.

"Alright. I'll pack my stuff."

"No leave what you have here. We'll go shopping when we go so that way we have stuff everywhere."

"Smart plan." Hannah says as she leaves. I smile and sit down at my desk as I look over the applications until well into the night... I didn't go to bed until 3 am. Safe to say I slept in until about 11. I pack a small bag, one big enough to carry the death note a few pencils and the unfinished applications. I go through out my morning routine and go to the kitchen.

"Good morning boss." Hannah says as she dishes out some breakfast. I make a cup of coffee and we sit down at the table.

"Good morning my second in command." I say, "You ready to head back to our roots?"

"Hell yes." Hannah says. We sit in comfortable silence as we finish the meal and head down to the train station where we catch the line that heads to Kanto.


(y/n) is still a human, confirmed

BYE <3

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