Chapter - 28 [ Close your eyes ]

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The Twisted Lovestory - Chapter 28
[ turn on music for good experience ]

Meanwhile Zak didn't come to the awarding night he wanted to spend time with Darryl for Chrismas after knowing hes spending time alone.

Zachary just went back from the grocery store ,buying ingredients to prepare while Darryl is going to cook for dinner.

Zachary : Im back , I've brought what you wanted.

Darryl : Hey Zachary, you're already here. that was fast

Zachary: Yeah, the store wasn't that far away . do you need anything else?

Darryl : Could you turn on the television?

Zachary turned on the television and saw the awarding night broadcasting on the Television. Darryl Saw that the Baphomet Star Member Zak wasn't there.

Darryl : Kinda Strage that Zak didn't go to the Awarding night.

Zachary: Uh- Yeah. i thought that as well .

Darryl : I've liked him before..I was stupid

Zachary : What do you mean?

Darryl : You'll never understand Zachary. That guy is similar with you. your hair, scent, features. everything. you we're nice to me and he's not, that guy is worse than a monster.

Zachary : But..

Darryl : am i being dramatic? From the moment i saw you Zachary, i always thought that you're Zak.

Zachary : Me and Zak? nah.. i dont think that we're similar.

Darryl : Its just me i guess..

Darryl went back to the kitchen and started to cook foods, meanwhile Zachary was playing with the dog .

Meanwhile after George and Wilbur went to dinner, they went away from the city,they drove to a cliff to watch the view of the night city , a perfect timing to watch fireworks on that place.

Wilbur : I just wanna say that, you look beautiful today George.

George : Oh- thank you. Its unusual to take someone out on a place like this.

Wilbur :I just wanted to go away fron the city, and celebrate Christmas with you. the city view looks beautiful here.

George looked down as felt bad , he started to feel confused about his feelings for both Clay and Wilbur.

Wilbur noticed him looking down and he checked his watch to look at the time, it was already 12am December 24. he went to the back of the car trunk , he grabbed a bouquet and a gift for George.

George was watching the city lighting up the fireworks he was sitting on the top of the car , enjoying view .

George was watching the city lighting up the fireworks he was sitting on the top of the car , enjoying view

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Wilbur sat beside him and handed him the bouquet along with the gift .

Wilbur : Merry Christmas , George.

George : Ah- Wait, I forgot to buy you a gift-

Wilbur : Its fine, don't worry about it. Open it up.

George opened up the gift and he saw a key inside, At first he was confused and looked at Wilbur.

Wilbur : You mentioned 5 months ago that you wanted to buy a house, you don't have to go back to your parent's house or live on a crap apartment. its my gift

George : Wilbur! i cant accept this! you gave too much things for me!

Wilbur : I cant thank you enough, you're the reason i didnt give up on making music.

George : that doesn't mean you give everything to me! I really can't accept this-

Wilbur : George, I just wanted to make you happy..

George sighed and hugged him tightly, Wilbur slowly hugged back as he ruffles his hair.

George : Ill take this, but you have to stop giving me gifts, okay? you gave so much to me already.

George: And also, thank you so much for this and the flowers.

Meanwhile Zachary and Darryl just finished eating dinner and they went to the balcony to watch the fireworks .

Meanwhile Zachary and Darryl just finished eating dinner and they went to the balcony to watch the fireworks

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Darryl : Even you eat, you still hide your face from me- Do you even trust me Zachary?

Zachary : When hiding my face, that doesnt mean i dont trust you.

Darryl : Im sorry- I also wanted to tell you something.

Zachary : What is it?

Darryl : It might sound weird, but i like you Zachary- you don't have to answer it, i just want to be honest with you-

Zachary : Close your eyes..

Darryl Closed his eyes, Zachary took off his face mask and his sunglasses infront of him as he kissed his lips .

He puts back his mask and sunglasses and grins.

Zachary : Thats my answer.


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