•| 10. Izuna's POV |•

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- Izuna Uchiha's POV -
I ran away from that river where my older brother and his 'friends' were at, I ran to my clan, my older brothers clan, the Uchiha clan. I have to tell my father about my brothers 'friends', they could hurt him or even worse...

After minutes of running through the woods to get to my clan, I finally made it I stood in front of my clans base/village (idk what it's called if you can't see already lol) I walked inside the base. As soon as I walked inside people were looking at me, inspecting me, probably checking if I belong here, checking if I was a Uchiha. The elders and adults mostly were looking at me, they later on stopped looking after realising I was a Uchiha.

After that incident I started to walk to where my father is, at our home. As I got to the house I opened the door quietly stepping inside in hopes of not bothering my father if he's busy, I remove my shoes before going any further throughout the house. I walk inside the house fully, looking for my father after checking the living room, kitchen, and his room I decide to check the room we usually meet in (kinda the dads office, idk what the room is called) I knock on the door of the room as soon as I arrive in front of it, I call out hoping my fathers there, "Father?!"

When I didn't get a response straight away I thought my father wasn't in the room and started to walk away until I heard a faint voice saying,

"Come in..."

As soon as I heard that I walked into the room and sat infront of my father. "Your back already Izuna?" Tajima Uchiha says rather... well quietly, "Yes Father I'm back from spying on elder brother" I reply.

"Good" "What kind of information did you gather?" The older male said, "Well, elder brother is hanging out with two people that I haven't recognised from our clan..." I respond.

"What gender" "And what do they look like?" Father said, "Uhm, they're both male and one has brown hair while the other has a silvery white hair colour" I respond again, "Alright, good job Izuna" "You can go now and rest, I'll take care of this matter" the older male responds with.

•| Hope y'all enjoyed! Posting the next chapter later, this chapters rushed and might have bad grammar and spelling because it's rushed and I just woke up! |•

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