•| 7. Are you sure...? |•

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- Third Person POV -

After Tobirama and Hashirama Senju got changed, they walked to the door and quickly put their shoes on. Hashirama then opened the door and walked out followed by Tobirama who closed the door after walking out.

- Meanwhile, with Madara -

After Madara changed into his usual clothing, he of course then goes to the door and puts his shoes on before opening the front door then exiting the house. Shutting the door behind him.

Madara looks around his clan, making sure no one was looking at him or was going to get suspicious of him and follow him. And that's the last thing he'd want, because the clan would be mad at him for meeting up with outsiders especially people who he doesn't know their last names. After making sure the coast was clear he sneaked out of the clans base, heading towards the river where he, Hashirama, and Tobirama hangs out at.

- Meanwhile, with the Senju's -

Hashirama and Tobirama walks down the path they always take which leads to the river, while walking down the path Tobirama senses chakra, but not his or his elder brothers chakra but someone else's...

- With Madara -

While Madara was walking towards the river, he felt like someone was following him since he heard what sounded like someone in the bushes. But, just in case someone was following him he checked the bushes. He checked the bushes but no one was there, he let out a sigh of relief and continued his way to the river.

'But are you sure no one is following you...?'

•||| Sorry I haven't published an actual chapter in a bit! But here is chapter 7! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! |||•

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