23. Business & Pleasure

Start from the beginning

That earned Somi a single nod of approval, which was basically the equivalent of a loving embrace in Chaeyoung's world. The resulting smile that was spread across the younger woman's face as she followed Chaeyoung into the elevator was radiant.

Chaeyoung spent the entire elevator ride up to her 25th floor office responding to emails on her iPad while Somi hardly breathed in fear of disrupting her. Both women understood the concept of efficiency and how much absolute silence was often necessary to achieve it. It was why they made such a great team.

Somi hardly made mistakes. Which was why it was so surprising that when they reached the door to Chaeyoung's office, there was an unexpected guest awaiting her. In her seat.

"Somi," Chaeyoung said in a deceptively soft tone as she reached for the door handle. "I thought you said you postponed my meeting."

The young assistant seemed equally as shocked by this and began to stammer. "I-I did. I'm not sure how someone got in—"

Chaeyoung didn't say a word as she stepped into her office, but the annoyance was clear on her face when she not only realized there was an intruder in her personal space, but that it also happened to be a person she despised.

"About time you arrived," Jeon Jungkook remarked, glancing at the gold watch on his wrist with a smug smile. "Do you normally roll into the office this late?"

It was only 8:05 am. Chaeyoung's little trip to the bookstore earlier had made her only a few minutes late. Usually, it wouldn't have been much of an issue. But Chaeyoung was known for her punctuality. And the fact that Jungkook was personally witnessing this mistake made it infinitely worse.

"Get out of my chair." It wasn't a request. Her tone and her sharp stare pierced through the air of fake friendliness he was trying to create. Arms crossed as she stood right in front of him and glared down at his smug face.

Jungkook stood up leisurely, no doubt taking pleasure in aggravating Chaeyoung further. He straightened out the lapels of his grey suit, which Chaeyoung was surprised he was wearing in the first place. She often saw him attend business meetings and conferences in unbuttoned dress shirts. One time he even wore jeans to the office. People talked about it for weeks.

Instead of being impressed by Jungkook's unconventional approach to business, Chaeyoung loathed him. It was obvious he had no respect for the industry and tarnished the traditional ideals that made the business world so impactful. The fact that he was so successful frustrated and confused her. The fact that his company building was right across the street from theirs and constantly competing with them frustrated her even more.

Park Enterprises was one of the leading retail owners in the country while Jeon Inc. focused on real estate developments. Both companies had a history of family inheritances that dated back to the Joseon Monarchy. Which meant they came from old, rich money that had only grown as the years progressed. Unfortunately, that also meant their rivalry was just as old, and they wanted to destroy one another since the beginning of time.

"Oh, my bad," Jungkook said apologetically. "Is this your seat? I have one just like it in my office, so I must've gotten them confused."

Chaeyoung's expression didn't waver as she took her rightful place in her chair while he wandered off to take a look at one of the framed pictures in the corner of the massive, sleekly designed room. If it hadn't been for the ice in her voice and the slight clenching of her teeth, one would hardly be able to tell she was angry at all.

"Listen, Mr. Jeon, I'm a very busy woman and unlike you who seems to have all the time in the world to waste, I actually have a meeting in a few minutes. So, I would appreciate it if, forgive my bluntness, you would get the hell out of my office before I ask security to formally escort you out."

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