Chapter 35 More Truths And Dares

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Bakugou's POV:

"Truth or dare mina?"

Pink cheeks asked.

"Hmmm... dare!"

"Do your favorite dance move!"

Mina quite enthusiastically hopped off the couch, and did just that...

I'm not sure how to describe it... but if anyone else in class tried it, I guarantee that they would break their neck.

Most of the group clapped as she bowed.

"Denki! Truth or dare?!"

"Dare of course!"

"Hmm... say something mean about everyone else in this room."

"...Do they get to beat me up for it?"


He looked around happily for the first person to bully.

"Kirishima... my homie... your roots are showing bad today man."

Kirishima looked offended to say the least.  I genuinely believe he wanted to smack Kaminari for that.

"Mineta... my other homie... the porn you look at isn't good... there's better stuff out there, I promise."

Mineta looked like he was ready to throw hands.

"Midoriya! Let's be honest... you can be very creepy... like total stalker vibes."

Uraraka opened her mouth to protest, when Kaminari interrupted her with another insult.

"Your bangs are so sort, it looks like you did them yourself on a bad day at 3A.M."

She looked stunned.

"Tokoyami! You're trying to hard to be edgy... like seriously..."

Tokoyami stayed silent with irritation clear on his face.

"Hakakare! I honestly forget your hear most of the time."

She made an angry whining noise.

"Sero... my guy... it looks like a 5 year old cut your hair it's so choppy."

Sero rolled his eyes, probably the least offended out of everyone insulted so far.

"Aoyama! You lack personality and try to make up for it in glitter.... it doesn't work."

He mumbled something in French that seemed almost like a threat... not sure though since I don't speak French.

"Sato.... I genuinely can't find anything mean to say about you... except that you totally cheated during the room competition, using your baking skills like that!"

Sato just laughed it off, like Sero, also not too offended.

"Todoroki... my guy... you trauma dump at every given opportunity... even in completely unrelated situations... like if you want out of your living situation, tell an adult..."

Everyone was stunned by that one.

"If you're so good at paying attention to your classmates, why don't you pay attention in class and get better grades?"

I asked Kaminari.

He put his finger over my mouth, effectively shushing me.

"Shhhh. I'm the one insulting people, not you."

He turned to Jirou.

"Literally the only thing I can insult you on is the fact you have no tits."

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