Chapter 3

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Felix's POV:

When Chan was singing I felt like I was in paradise. His voice was so calming that I could hear it for, forever. "But I won't hesitate no more, no more it cannot wait, I'm yours" he sang in my ear.

We stayed dancing until the song ended. Once the song ended we headed back to our table where our parents were at. "Hey boys" my mom said once she saw us.

"Hi" we both said. "Are y'all boys having fun" Chan's dad said. "Yes we are" Chan said. "That's good but we are going to go to talk to the guest" my mom said holding Chan's dads hand. "Ok we'll be here" I said to them.

Our parents started to walk to the other table where the guest were seated at. "Do you want something to drink" I hear Chan say. "Um...sure" I said. "Ok I'll go get it" he said getting up and walking to the table that had drinks on it.

While I was waiting for Chan, someone came up to me and they seem like my age. "Hi" they said. "Hi" I said back. "Do you want to dance" they said putting their hand out for me to grab. "Um..sorry no" I said trying to decline them as politely as possible.

"Oh come on if you can dance with him you can dance with me but I'll make you more happy by dancing with me" they said which just pissed me off. Before I can say something I hear Chan tell them something.

"Hey, if he doesn't want to dance with your ass then respect his decision if not I'll throw you out of the wedding and I don't want to ruin the wedding with your dumbass" Chan said putting his hand on my shoulder.

Once he said that they left. "Are you ok" Chan said going back to his sit which was next to me. "Yea but thanks for telling them off for me" I said giving him a smile. "Your welcome..oh here is your drink" he said giving me, my drink.

"Thank you" I said getting the drink from his hand, which our fingers brushed against each other. I hope he didn't noticed but I can feel that I am blushing like crazy. "So what do you want to do when we go home" I hear him say. "Maybe just watch Netflix to relax" I said after drinking my drink. "Okay" he said taking a drink of his drink.

Chan and I were sitting down for the rest of the party. After the party was over everyone gathered around to say bye to the bride and groom before they go to their honeymoon. "Okay who's ready to catch the bouquet" I hear my mom yell. "Me" everyone shouted. I see my mom turn around and count to throw the bouquet to the crowd. "1....2....and......3" she counted. My mom threw the bouquet behind her and everyone rushed to get it but instead of someone getting it, I ended up catching the bouquet.

I was in shock because I was in the very back of everyone. "Well it looks like my son is going to get married next" I hear my mom say while laughing. I turned to Chan and he was also shock but he was also smiling at me. When I turned to look at my mom and my stepdad they were looking at Chan and I while smiling. Chan and I walked to them to give them hugs and to tell them to be careful on their honeymoon. After we said our goodbyes the bride and groom left.

The guest started to leave and Chan and I went home right after everyone left. We made it home and I went straight to my room to put on more comfortable clothes which are my pjs. When I went back to the livinng room I saw Chan already sitting down on the couch with Netflix on the t.v. screen while he waited for me.

I went to go sit down right next to him. He noticed I was there and asked what movie or show I wanted to watch. I didn't know what I wanted to watch so I told him to pick anyone he wants to watch. We ended up watching a romance movie which the name is Love Hard. We were already half way to the movie and I noticed that Chan and I were cuddling. My head was on his chest while his hands were hugging me close to him. We also had a blanket on us to not be cold.

I didn't want to ruin the cuddling session so I stayed there even though I was a blushing mess. I don't know when I fell asleep but I felt Chan messaging my head when I woke up. "Oh your awake, did I wake you up" he said moving his hand to hold me. "No you didn't and can you do that again" I said tiredly. "Okay good, and do what again hmmm" I hear him say. "When you were messaging my head while I was alseep" I said looking at him. "Okay I will" he said putting his hand back on head messaging it.

While he was messaging my head I fell back to sleep. It was already morning because the window curtains were showing the sun light of the morning. The sun light that was peeping through the window curtains woke me up because the sun light was hitting my eyes. Once I was awake I noticed that Chan was now laying down on his back and I was on top of him. I got up slowly to not wake him up and once when I was half way out of his grasp, he pulled me back down. "Don't go" he said with his raspy morning voice. "Okay I won't" I said laying back down on him. "Good" he said hugging me.

When I woke up, I felt eyes looking at me so I looked up at Chan and he was staring at me. "Hi" Chan said smiling at me. "Hi" I said snuggling on him. I hear him giggle at me. "Why are you so cute" I hear him say. I was shocked at what he said but I let it be. For the rest of the day we stayed laying down while cuddling each other and just watching t.v which was either a movie or a show.

It was already dark outside, so I decided to get up and go to my room to take a shower. After I was done I told Chan that I am going to sleep. Once I was done telling him at went to my room and turned off the light and went straight to my bed to lay down. After I laid down I fell asleep right when my head hit the pillow.

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