Episode 22: Civil War 2

Start from the beginning

"Alright! That's the last one!" Says Lupin.

I nodded. "Let's go." We exited the room after checking the bombs.

But as soon as I got out the room, a psionic sword was waiting for me to cross the entrance.

"Die!" A Zealot attacked me with his weapon.

"Theo!" Lupin reached out to me.

I was taken by surprise that I failed to evade the attack. Darn it!

Its attack connected to my left arm. I was thrown away and crashed on the wall.

Lupin was shocked for a second and then, he grits his teeth and activated his weapon. He glared at the Zealot which caused him to flinch.

"You bastard!" Lupin screamed and rushed towards the Zealot. He pierced its chest and instantly killed the enemy.

Its corpse burned to ashes, leaving its armor behind.

After his attack, he deactivated his weapon and approached me. I was lying flat on the ground, coughing.

"Theo! You okay!?" He exclaimed.

*cough cough*

"That was careless of me. I'm fine. Thanks Lupin."

Lupin sighed in relief as soon as he saw me standing, unharmed from the psionic blade.

My energy shield activated just in time. I only suffered the damage from the crash.

"Let's get out while we still can." I said.

And then, my helmet flickered.

"Hold on, someone's calling." I said.

I clicked the button near my left ear to answer.

"Yo guys, you okay out there? It's been 30 minutes since you last disappeared."

It was Raynor.

I answered back. "Yeah, we just finished our mission. How's the situation out there?"

"Heh. I can't believe you guys actually pulled it off. The enemy divided their forces and sent some reinforcements to help their friends. I figured now's the time for you to escape."

I slightly turn my head to meet Lupin's eyes and then, I nodded.

"Alright, we'll be on our way. Send my regards to Fenix and the others." I said and then, ended the transmission.

I whispered. "Alright Lupin, let's move out."

"About time!" Says Lupin as he revealed a toothy grin.

We went outside and killed the unsuspecting enemy forces on our way. After we gained a bit of distance from the targets, I activated the trigger and the bomb set off.

Their buildings exploded one by one and our enemy were thrown in a state of confusion.

Our forces noticed this and shouted. "That's the signal! Fall back!" A Zealot shouted.

"Uuwwaaahhh!" The rest responded except for the Dark Templars who simply nodded in satisfaction.

We ran back with full force, killing enemies on our way. We've lost a lot of warriors in this endeavour but, it's worth it. The enemy reinforcements were also blown away and some of them were caught in the explosion.

But the enemies chasing us were far too many. I clicked my tongue in frustration.

I turned back and shouted. "Just fall back. I'll hold them off until you get to safety!"

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