35 ⚠️

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Mias POV:
I got into bed besides Rafe and he pulled me close, kissing my head.
'I love you.' I whispered.
'Did you really think about leaving me, for JJ?' He asked, obviously stressed.
'Baby it never even crossed my mind.' I lied.
'You're lying.' He said, breathing heavily, as he always did when he was worked up.
'Maybe before we got together, I thought it would be better for me. But I know now I'd never want to make this sacrifice for anyone else.' I said, moving my hand to his face.
He clutched my wrist, and I winced, pulling it away as it began to hurt.
'I'm sorry.' He whispered.
'It's okay, just go to sleep.' I said softly. He nodded, burying his head in the crook of my neck and closing his eyes, keeping his arms firmly wrapped around my waist.
'You're gonna make the most beautiful baby mama.' He whispered.
'And you're gonna make the most perfect dad.' I smiled, kissing his head. We fell asleep together instantly, exhausted from the day we'd just experienced. But less then 7 hours later, the light shon through the tall Windows, waking us up again.
'Make it stop.' I groaned, covering my eyes. Rafe got out of bed and pulled down the blind, throwing us into darkness.
'Why didn't we just do that last night?' I laughed.
'Did you open the balcony door?' He asked.
'No, did you?' I questioned. He shook his head, getting back into bed besides me.
'Rafe I don't want to sleep in the dark anymore.' I whispered, turning on my bedside light.
'It's okay baby, let me go and check the house.' He said, getting up.
'No, don't leave me.' I panicked. He called for security to do a full sweep of the house and tried to force me back asleep.
'My love I'll let you know if they find anything, sleep please, I won't go anywhere.' He begged.
'Promise?' I asked, yawning.
'Hand on heart baby girl.' He whispered, pushing my head into his neck and rubbing my back softly until I fell asleep again. I woke back up naturally an hour later, Rafe was still holding me, but talking to someone in the doorway too. Once he saw I was awake, he sent the man away and asked him to close the door.
'Hey sleepy.' He whispered, kissing my nose.
'Hey, is everything okay?' I asked.
'Yes, they checked the entire house and there was nobody here, apparently there were some strong winds last night and we forgot to latch it.' He explained.

'Oh good.' I smiled. He looked me up and down, before shooting me a small smile himself.
'You're lying.' I whispered.
'No baby I'm not, security are still outside now, they'll be here the rest of the time we're here, just in case.' He replied sternly. I looked out of the window to see that the guards were still intact, infront of all entry points to the house.
'Breakfast?' He asked.
'Yes.' I replied. He took my hand and led me down to the kitchen, to see fruit and pastries already laid out on the side.
'Who did this?' I smiled.
'Oh just a friend.' He winked. I rolled my eyes, knowing he'd got up to make it whilst I'd been asleep.
'What's this?' I asked, running my hand along a scratch on the counter.
'Oh I accidentally made that with a knife when I was cutting the fruit.' He shrugged.
'Rafe Cameron you'd be fuming if you'd done that.' I said suspiciously. I looked to the front door and saw a van outside of the house, an army van.
I walked towards it and Rafe grabbed my wrist.
'Haven't you learned now being suspicious gets you hurt?' He whispered, angrily. I shook him from me and sat down at the counter, picking up a piece of watermelon and eating it quietly.
His phone started ringing and he looked down to see it was his father.
'I've got to get this im so sorry.' He pleaded, picking his phone up. I rolled my eyes and walked to the sink to put my plate away, and he watched me as he picked up the phone.
'Hey, yeah shes okay.' I heard him begin.
'As if he cared about me.' I muttered. He held his hand out to me, telling me to stop, and I grabbed it and moved it to my neck, teasing him. He slowly walked us to the wall, keeping his hand firmly around my neck.
I moved my two hands slowly down to his hips and pulled him closer to me. His eyes burned into the back of mine, looking me up and down, before letting go and running his hand through his hair.
'Yeah, I've got to go, I promised Mia we'd do something today.' He said finishing up the call. He put the phone down and walked back towards me, opening my robe and clutching my thigh.
'Look at you, you look so good.' He whispered.
'Kiss me.' I begged.
'I want to do way more than just kiss you but we're going out.' He teased, pulling at my nipple with his teeth.
'Well then stop playing with me.' I said, trying to push him away. He put his nose on mine and moved his hand down, pulling at the string of my thong.
'Not gonna happen.' I teased, moving away from him.
I pulled my robe back over myself and headed upstairs to get dressed.

'You look so sexy.' I heard, as my boyfriend wrapped his arms around me from the back.
'Oh yeah?' I whispered, turning to face him, to see he too, was wearing nothing.
'Oh hey.' I smiled, making sure I ran over his bulge with my hand.
He grabbed my hand and put it on himself, moving it up and down.
'Oh wow.' He whispered.
'I'll give you a minute.' I said, sitting down on the bed and looking up at him.
'Two minutes?' He asked cheekily.
'I'll see how good it feels.' I teased. He rubbed his tip along my entrance until he felt the spot.
'Are you ready?' He asked. I nodded, as he pushed himself straight in.
'Oh fuck you didn't even start off slowly.' I said in between moans.
'You look too good to go slow.' He whispered, clutching at my boobs and leaving a hand mark.
'Rafe.' I gasped, grabbing his arm.
'Yes baby?' He asked, moving his hips in time with my body.
'You're mine forever, all of you.' I said, grabbing the bed sheets.
'Forever, nobody else ever gets to touch you princess.' He whispered in my ear, kissing down my neck.
'Your times nearly up baby.' I teased. He laid down and pulled me ontop of him, looking up at me with a smirk on his face.
'Do your thing babygirl.' He moaned, pulling me down ontop of him. It took me a few seconds to fully adjust to him again, but once I had, I held onto his shoulders and began to bounce slowly up and down.
'Faster.' He moaned.
'You almost sound desperate.' I teased.
He grabbed me by the hips and forced me to sit still on him, making my legs shake.
'I'm gonna cum.' I cried out, closing my eyes in pleasure.
'Look at me.' He spat. I opened my eyes again and he forced his head closer to me as he fucked me from underneath.
'I can't take it anymore.' I moaned, finishing all over his legs.
'You're a naughty girl, I didn't tell you you could cum.' He growled.
'Make me cum again then.' I teased.  He pulled out and put me on my stomach, making sure it wasn't hurting me.
He lifted one of his legs up onto the bed and held onto my hips, grinding against me slowly.
'Oh Rafe.' I whispered, burying my face into the bed.
'Take it baby.' He ordered, forcing me to sit up by grabbing my hair.
'I'm gonna cum.' He moaned, going faster.
I pushed myself back against him and he stopped us both still, finishing inside of me. He thrust in a few more times, making sure it was all out, and giving me one last chance to finish a second time. I did, collapsing onto the bed.
'Look at you, a mess for me.' He teased, pushing a finger into me.
'Rafe.' I gasped, grabbing his hand. He pushed me off of him and pulled his finger out, licking it.
'Come on baby get ready.' He said after a moment, standing up.
'I can't.' I whispered.
'What was that?' He asked.
'Nothing.' I replied, standing up slowly, my legs shaking uncontrollably.

Like a tsunami // Rafe Cameron(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now