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Mias POV:
'Go ahead.' I said, sitting down on the beach not far from his house.
'I know you'd happily walk away from me forever right now, but I don't want that, I need to have you, I need to fix it.' He began.
'No that is not how I feel Rafe at all.' I protested.
'I've been busy, I know I've been busy and it's not fair, all of my attention is with you, I promise.' He said, reaching for my hand.
'I know you promise Rafe but you never keep them.' I sighed softly.
'What does that mean? You're breaking up with me? Don't do this to me.' He panicked.
'No Rafe not at all, I just want to know I've got your all, from now on.' I said slowly, realising that I was yet again, deciding to take him back.
'You will, you have it all okay.' He said quickly, as if that would make me take him back faster.
I shook my head softly, smiling at the ground.
'I love you, everything I've ever done was for you, okay?' He asked.
'Okay.' I whispered.
'I love you.' He repeated, waiting for an answer.
'I love you, so much.' I said, hugging him and resting my head on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and slipped the ring back onto my finger.
'I don't want to see this off again, ever, okay? Even if we do fight, or fall out, this is there to remind you how much I really need you.' He said, holding my fingers.
'I promise.' I smiled.
'Please come back, we all miss you.' He asked nervously.
'I'll come back, but you still need to make it up to me, this isn't me forgiving you completely. It's been so hard for me Rafe.' I said sternly.
He nodded and carried me, all the way home.
'Does this count as a redemption fee?' He groaned, putting me down at the bottom of the stairs.
'That's a step in the right direction.' I teased. Wheezie ran over and hugged me tightly, and I laughed, kissing her head.
'Thank you for coming back.' She whispered.
'Are you okay?' I panicked, looking around to see there was, in fact, nobody else home.
'It's been lonely, we're all falling apart.' She said.
'Oh Wheezie, invite some friends over, I'll make you some food tonight.' I smiled.
'Are you sure?' She asked.
'I'm sure.' I insisted.
'Thank you so much, I've not been able to do this in ages.' She laughed excitedly, running upstairs. Rafe wrapped his arm around me from the side and smiled down at me.
'What?' I laughed.
'She loves you, a lot.'

I headed upstairs and sat on the bed, smiling, remembering all of the good things that had happened there. I began to feel nauseous, and I covered my mouth, running to the toilet. Rafe ran in after me and grabbed my hair.
'Hey, what's wrong? Upset stomach?' He panicked, rubbing my back.
'I- I don't know.' I stuttered. Once I was done, I ran to my bedside table and picked up my birth control.
'Rafe.' I whispered.
'Yes my love?' He asked.
'I've barely been taking them.' I panicked.
He grabbed the packet from me and I saw his emotions change.
'It's okay, don't worry it's okay.' He said, hugging me softly.
'It's not, I can't be pregnant.' I whispered.
'Look, get into bed, I'll go to the shop, get some food for Wheezie and I'll grab you a pregnancy test.' He insisted.
'No don't be silly, I'll come.' I said, standing up.
'Bed.' He said sternly. I got into bed and he kissed my head, rubbing my cheek.
'I'll be back soon.' He whispered.
I began to doze off, as it was late afternoon and I'd been out all day. I heard the door open and shut softly downstairs, and Wheezie exchange a few words with Rafe.
'Is Mia gonna come help?'
'Yeah she's not feeling too good at the moment Wheez, let me give her half an hour.' He replied, heading upstairs to me.
I rolled over and smiled at him, and he put a bag on the edge of the bed.
'Chocolate, hot water bottle, teddy, crisps, drinks, and pregnancy test.' He said, unloading the carrier bag.
'You didn't have to.' I smiled, picking them up.
'You go and take the test, I'll warm up your bottle and I'll be back for the results.' He said, kissing my head. I took the test and left it on the bathroom side, not even wanting to look at it. Rafe came back 5 minutes later and softly tucked a hot water bottle in besides me.
'You done it?' He asked. I nodded, looking into the bathroom.
'I'll go get it.' He said, getting up, and going to collect it from the side.
'I don't want to see it.' I said, feeling nauseous again.
'Baby it's okay.' He said, turning it over slowly to reveal what we all knew to be true.
'It's positve.' I whispered.
'We're gonna have a baby.' He said, in shock.
'Look Rafe I'm so sorry.' I began.
'We're gonna have a baby.' He said, excitedly.

He kissed me and put the test into the drawer by his bed, moving all of my snacks onto the floor and passing me the teddy to cuddle up with.
'Are you sure you're ready? Rafe you're a criminal.' I sighed.
'No I'm gonna get my shit together and in 9 months time this baby will have the most beautiful life to come into, I promise.' He said, holding out his pinkie finger. I took it and kissed him again, smiling softly.
'I'm scared.'
'It's okay, I'll be with you through it all.' He reassured me.
'This is it now Rafe, if we get a few months in and I feel like I can't trust you anymore, or you can't change, I won't be able to keep it, you know that?' I asked.
'I know, I won't let you down.' He said, rubbing his hand softly along my stomach.
'Gosh, it's only been 7 months and I'm already engaged and pregnant.' I joked.
'Pregnant!' Wheezie shouted, opening the door.
'Wheez listen you can't tell anyone.' Rafe begged.
'Oh I won't, but that's why Mia feels ill!' She exclaimed. I smiled and kissed Rafe's head.
'You need to get your shit together Rafe' she said sternly.
'You tell him!' I laughed.
'I will, Ive promised you both before I will and I broke that, but I'll make sure not to ever again.' He insisted.
'Cute. How do you turn the oven on?' She interjected.
'Come on let's go.' Rafe said shaking his head, taking Wheezies hand and leading her from the room.

Rafe💕: I'll make sure our little family is perfect. I'm going to work harder, but us a cute house by the beach like I promised, with the sea view and the pretty kitchen. I'm going to clear John B's name and make sure I can stay out for you, I'm not sure how yet but I will. I'll make sure that you're perfectly looked after and protected, as I always have done. You're my fiancé and we will have a beautiful wedding I promise you. I love you so much it scares me, but I'd be in such a bad place without you. You've forever got a space in my heart. Thank you for being so patient❤️

Like a tsunami // Rafe Cameron(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now